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Right to Work on the Senate Floor!

Mark Mix

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Nov. 6, 2013

The National Right to Work Act could get a vote on the Senate floor in the next few days!

Harry Reid has brought a bill to the floor this week that is a perfect amendment vehicle for our National Right to Work Act.

And our inside leaders are pushing hard to secure a roll-call vote.

A few hours ago Senator Rand Paul and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell reintroduced the National Right to Work Act as an amendment to that bill, and are demanding a vote.

But of course, Harry Reid and the rest of Big Labor's allies are desperate to avoid a vote that would expose them to the wrath of the 75% of their constituents who support Right to Work.

That's why it's critical you click here to authorize your Free Action Fax to your Senators NOW, demanding that they allow an up-or-down vote on the National Right to Work Act.

Harry Reid is planning his back-room deals even now, deciding which votes to allow and which ones to try to suppress. If you and I don't lay down grassroots cover fire for Senator Paul and Senator McConnell now, Reid will find a way to shut them down, and block this push for a vote on the National Right to Work Act.

Please don't hesitate. Click here to contact your Senators today.


Mark Mix

P.S. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are making a major push to get a vote on Right to Work on the Senate floor!

But if the rest of the Senate doesn't hear from constituents like you right away, Reid will probably find a way to shut them down. So please, sign your Action Fax Authorization to your Senators today. There's no time to waste.

And if you can, please chip in with $10, $15, $25 or more to help me mobilize thousands more supporters for this urgent fight.