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Cut Social Security? or end the war in Afghanistan?

Robert Naiman - MoveOn

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Nov. 2, 2013

Suppose that we couldn't rid of the Washington belief that the government is spending too much money, and Washington were absolutely determined to cut federal government spending somehow.

Which would you rather see happen: cutting Social Security benefits by means of the chained CPI? Raising the Medicare retirement age? Cutting food stamps? Cutting Head Start? Cutting funding for infant nutrition?

Or ending the war in Afghanistan?

If you chose "ending the war in Afghanistan," your opinion isn't on the negotiating table in Washington right now.

Representatives Barbara Lee and Jim McGovern are working to change that.

Sign and share our petition, and show Washington your support for Lee and McGovern's plan to end the war by forcing a Congressional vote on President Obama's plan to keep thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan after 2014.

Want to know more? Read and share my piece at Huffington Post:

Keep U.S. Troops in Afghanistan? Let Congress Vote!