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Hold On!

Rand Paul, U.S. Senator

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Oct. 30. 2013

The moment you and I have been waiting on for years - and my father has been waiting on for decades - is here.

Yesterday, I notified Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid I am placing a hold on Janet Yellen's nomination to be Chair of the Federal Reserve - unless Senator Reid agrees to first debate and have an up-or-down, roll call vote on my Audit the Fed legislation.

Now I need your help to make sure the Senate debates, votes on, and passes Audit the Fed before voting on Janet Yellen's confirmation.

Before I even made my hold official, the Fed's allies in the D.C. establishment had begun plotting against us.

In fact, when asked if Harry Reid would allow a vote, a top Democrat aide stated, "I kind of doubt it."

If you and I are going to win this fight, we must turn up the grassroots pressure on each and every Senator to stand with the almost 75% of Americans who support Auditing the Federal Reserve.

And there is no group more effective at turning up the heat on the Senate - especially on Audit the Fed - than Campaign for Liberty.

That is why it is vital that you watch the special video Campaign for Liberty President John Tate and I have prepared about my plans - and then join Campaign for Liberty's efforts to get the Senate to vote on Audit the Fed.

You can view it here.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul, MD

U.S. Senator (R-KY)