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Jihadist ritual murder and mutilation

Act for America

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Oct. 28, 2013


While jihadists torture and murder, radical Islamists around the world scream that any criticism of Islam is “offensive.”

And way too many political leaders insist that terrorism has nothing to do with jihad.

What will they say when jihadists bloody a mall in America?

Had enough of “see no evil, hear no evil?”

Then help ACT! for America continue to fight the propaganda that whitewashes jihad and the propagandists who want to steal our freedoms.

Here’s just one example – this past spring we helped get “The Free Speech Defense Act” passed in South Dakota.

Thanks to so many of you who’ve already made a contribution, we’re 65% of the way to our Fall Pledge Drive goal. Could you help us reach our goal by making the most generous monthly Patriot Partner or single gift you can afford?

All you have to do is go online here. Our online donation process is simple, safe and secure, and it only takes a couple of minutes to make your gift.

Or, if you prefer, you can print out a reply form here and mail it to us with your contribution.

As the largest national security grassroots organization in America, we don’t just talk about the threats – we’re doing something about them! Our track record fighting the threat of radical Islam is unmatched.

  •   On September 25th, ACT! for America chapter leaders and members conducted over 250 “Freedom of Speech Day” events across America – and even around the world!


Over the past three years, we’ve helped win the passage of 15 new laws in states from Arizona to North Carolina.

Tougher anti-terrorism laws.

Laws that prohibit judges from using foreign law, including sharia law, in court cases.


You don’t have to look at all these threats and feel helpless or powerless.

You CAN be a powerful force for good – without even leaving your home!

Your financial support helps us fight and win these battles. As Brigitte Gabriel says, “We just can’t do this without you.”

So please, go online today and make the most generous gift you can.

Or if you prefer, print out a reply form here and mail it in with your gift.

Don’t just get upset or concerned about what you see happening around us. You CAN do something about it today.

You CAN make a difference. But only if you act.

Thank you.