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Beat Monsanto's Millions

Garlin Gilchrist

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Oct. 23, 2013

The most important GMO labeling fight in the country is happening right now in Washington. If I-522—a ballot initiative that would mandate GMO labeling in the state—wins, it will set the stage for other states to quickly pass GMO labeling laws.

But Monsanto has gone all in to defeat I-522. They're shoveling millions into a misinformation campaign that has swung public opinion in their favor by 20 points.1

The Yes on 522 campaign built a fun, easy phone call tool for GMO labeling supporters from across the country to support this fight. If you take a few minutes to make some calls—and encourage your friends to do the same—we'll help contact 10,000 voters this week and secure their support for GMO labeling.

Will you sign up to make a few phone calls for GMO labeling?

Yes, I'll make some calls.

Thanks for all you do.

–Garlin, David, Jessica, Eric, and the rest of the team


1. "I-522: New poll shows big swing in voters' view of GMO labeling," The Olympian, October 21, 2013

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