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Show Congress We Won’t Forget (or, Let's Ruin Their Day)

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Oct. 19, 2013

If ignorance is bliss, Capitol Hill must be the happiest place on earth.

But ignoring basic economics can lead to misery and a lower quality of life for the American people.

On Wednesday, Congress overwhelmingly voted to pretend debt doesn't matter - and to stick you, me, and America's future with the tab for their recklessness.

Congress was in such a hurry to give President Obama new authority to run up more debt, they didn't even give most members a chance to read the bill before voting on it.

The politicians' compromise suspends the debt ceiling through February 7 - handing President Obama a blank check signed by you and me - while funding Big Government through January 15.

It doesn't do anything - not a single thing - to even slow down the impending ObamaCare train wreck.

And it requires a non-binding budget conference report on federal spending to be submitted in December.

Remember the stunning success of their previous conferences?


That's why I hope you'll sign Campaign for Liberty's "We Won't Forget" Fax Petition to the leadership of both parties.

I know I've asked a lot of you these past few weeks, and, believe me, your action had a huge impact in discouraging more support for the statists' madness.

But these post-fight petitions are critically important.

At the end of a huge battle, especially one fueled by night and day media coverage, politicians often sigh in relief that their phones will quit ringing, and people will stop paying attention until the next big conflict.

That's the status quo reaction, and I'm sick of it.

I want to flip the table over and let congressional "leadership" know beyond a shadow of a doubt that, far from backing off, you and I are going to turn up the pressure in the fight for fiscal sanity.

So after you've signed your petition, I hope you'll give $35, $50, or even $75 today to enable Campaign for Liberty to reach and mobilize millions more Americans to promote fiscal responsibility and limited government.

Ultimately, Campaign for Liberty can only take as much action as our members' generous support allows.

With your help, Campaign for Liberty can keep reminding the American people that when it counted, Congress chucked the can down the road.

You and I can show Congress, starting with the leadership, that it's no longer business as usual.

And we can point Americans looking for answers to a better way.

Congress' alternative route was common sense.

Pay your bills with the money you take in, and if you have to cut to reach that point, then get to it.

Millions of Americans operate this way every day.

But President Obama, Harry Reid, and the GOP leadership believe we have to borrow more money to pay off the money we've borrowed.

After putting in this much effort and energy, it hurts to come up short.

But politicians will keep believing skies will be clear if they can just dodge the pressure until they vote - unless you and I prove that's not how it works anymore.

They should learn that if they stand with Big Government, the pre-vote pressure will be remembered as the "good old days."

So please sign Campaign for Liberty's "We Won't Forget" Fax Petition to congressional leadership today.

And if you can, please consider contributing $35, $50, or even $75 to enable Campaign for Liberty to follow our petitions with additional nationwide efforts to mobilize millions more Americans in defense of fiscal responsibility and limited government.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. With the debt ceiling and government funding vote finished, big-spending politicians in both parties may think they can sigh in relief that the pressure's off.

By signing your "We Won't Forget" Fax Petition to congressional leadership, you'll help Campaign for Liberty send a clear message that business as usual doesn't apply anymore.

Instead of letting them take a breather, you and I can prove we're going to turn up the pressure for fiscal sanity and responsibility higher than ever.

After you've signed your petition, I hope you'll give $30, $50, or even $75 to help Campaign for Liberty follow our petitions with additional nationwide efforts to mobilize millions more Americans to stand up to the establishment and rein in reckless government at all levels.