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Trucker Protest Invades DC...'BOYCOTT SHOPPING'!

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Oct. 11,  2013

If anyone has been following the develops of the last few weeks regarding the Trucker Ride for the Constitution, then you know there have been attempts to sabotage this historic and momentous event.

But, here is the actual facts of what is going on today.

General (Earnest) Lee and his group began the historic ride just after 7 AM this morning traveling NB on I-495 doing between 30 and 40 mph. Live Traffic cams along the corridor showed the 3 big rigs riding side by side across three lanes of traffic. trucker-protest1The General reported on the live broadcast via Pete Santilli that overpass groups were out in the rain in DC showing their support. Zeeda Andrews was awaiting the General on the northeast side of the beltway to meet up with the General to ride into DC. They were to present their list of demands to Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert at the WWII memorial. Other Congress members were to be there as well. The meeting was scheduled around 11 AM.

timthumbSeveral of the live cam feeds can be viewedhere. It was a glorious sight to see these trucks flying their American flags on the back rolling by the cameras. The convoy did stop around 11 AM for a break at truck rest stops but will be resuming in full force after their break. More truckers and supporters are scheduled to hit the DC scene today and tomorrow. One report on the live broadcast indicated there were 300 trucks coming in from Florida, 100 from Michigan and the Alaska convoy was making progress in their trek to DC.

Fox News contacted the group the night before requesting an exclusive interview with the organizers; however, the news agency canceled at the last minute which left a media blackout for the event. It was reported live on Guerilla Media Network this morning that General Lee is scheduled to speak with Greta Van Susteren of Fox News along with another member of the news agency.

The website,, had so much traffic it was experiencing problems. Visitors to the webpage were being redirected to the Facebook page. These problems have been corrected by dedicated server to handle the millions of visitors it was receiving, according to Pete Santilli during the live broadcast, and should be up momentarily.

The live broadcast of Ride for the Constitution via Pete Santilli can be heard and followed here along with the regular Pete Santilli show. Individuals have been calling in to show their support and others have taken up a chair in the chat room. If you would like to call in to show your support, the call in number is 218-862-9829 or you can visit Guerilla Media Network, Pete Santilli show to enter the chat room.

While many news organizations have reported that this event is a bust or has started too slow to maintain momentum, the amount of traffic to the trucker website, the live broadcast and the chat room would indicate otherwise. It is interesting the news media would pick the times just after the event started or while the truckers were taking a break to report on the event.

Convoy1(1)This is lamestream enemedia at its best. They want to discourage the American public. They want citizens to think this event has busted or not happening at all. These organizations have put forth false information from "truckers arresting congressmen" to "National Guard being called out to close I-495 around Washington." All that can be said is the truth is winning out and America cannot give up.

More trucks are on the way. The veterans are scheduled to join on Sunday. What are you doing?

TruckerphotosbackeduptrafficIf you would like to make a donation for fuel for the truckers, please send a mail A secure link will be sent for you to make a donation. Place the trucker support emblem, #T2SDA, on your vehicle and drive around town or place a sign in your yard. This ride is for all America and all Americans.

Time to shut down the money train people. DO NOT BUY GOODS THESE THREE DAYS!

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