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America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date with Destiny

Dave Hodges

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Oct. 9, 2013

The winds of change are blowing across America. The following events, detailed below, mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the federal government and the people not of the federal government. We are at a definitive crossroads in history and I can scarcely believe what I am witnessing.


After reading the following accounts which have transpired in the past few days, it will become clear to the reader that we are moving into times of unprecedented change. These changes are promising and exciting, yet are very frightening.

Arizona State Government Weighing Options to Defy the Obama Administration

Will the country soon be following Governor Brewer’s lead?

Since the historic finger pointing encounter on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport over the controversial immigration related issue of SB1070, it is no secret that Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, and President Obama do not like each other. In fact, to say that they don’t like each other is a gross understatement.

Presently in Arizona, there are 7,000 hurting families which derive their livelihood from tourism at the Grand Canyon. Obama has ordered the shutdown of the Canyon in regard to the budget impasse.

Governor Brewer is actually considering the use of the State’s National Guard to man the Grand Canyon in defiance of the federal order which shut down the park. Arizona is awaiting Brewer’s next move as she contemplates how to stand up the tyranny emanating from Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Defies Obama’s Shutdown Orders