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Dick Eastman

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Oct. 9, 2013

Thousands of truckers with their trucks converging on Washington DC with no specific demands other than the impossible one of demanding that Obama step down.  That could never happen except as a well-financed black-op, a deception that can only end in an historic tragedy.
It is impossible that truckers came up with this and were able to organize it like this on their own.  They are being led with no specific goal. 
If they had a demand it would be possible for the president to play politics and maybe yield to some demand -- but the demand that the president step down is way over the top.  No specific cause.  No demands.  The resignation of the President would change nothing in Washington - the man is a Goldman-Sachs (Rothschild) puppet.
Think further.
The truckers are bringing their valuable trucks to DC -- perhaps 10 thousand big trucks.  It appeals to the bravado shared by truckers -- but it is super unintelligent.  Not to mention the gas and time -- that is nothing -- but consider:  those pulling Obama's really wanted to destroy the US -- its people and its strength.  If 10 thousand or 20 thousand big trucks are destroyed in an atomic blast that takes out Washington DC -- the effect would be much worse than if the capital were destroyed by itself.
The conspiracy that controls the president and the leadership of both parties have committed may crimes in Washington DC -- and they need to destroy that evidence   -- just like many investigations against Goldman-Sachs, Morgan, the Fed, Greenspan, Larry Summers, Exon and others were destroyed with the WTC Towers when they were intentionally demolished after the remote control crash-bombing of airliners; just like Naval Intelligence and Pentagon auditors were killed in the Pentagon crash of 9-11-01  -- so these same criminals, who have successfully gotten away with all false-flag crimes to date  -- they can complete the destruction of this country by simply setting off a nuclear bomb in Washington  DC and blameing it on Iran or North Korea (if North Korea is not actually working with them all the way). 
This would come just as the US goes bankrupt  -- decapitated by losing its entire centralized government -- and at the same time a big percentage of the trucks that could deliver food from farms around the country -- so that there will be no avoiding the famine that would set of bloody conflict in every city  -- and for us old hands at studying the Rothschild Mafia -- this would be their way of making the US an object lesson for all time on the folly of resisting Rothschild and defaulting on national loans  -- as if the case of debt-repudiating King Louis XIV and all the French aristocracy that died in the Rothschild instigated revolution was not enough.   The "decapitate" the US and they destroy our  transporation system -- and all of those truckers at the same time.
Truckers, who led you in this?  Why are you acting alone and not with the rest of America?  There is no cause  -- but someone very powerful wanted all of you anti-Obama man AND YOUR TRUCKS in Washington at this time so near to default day.  THIS IS NO ACCIDENT.  YOU TRUCKERS DID NOT PICK THAT DATE, YOU DID NOT ORGANIZE YOURSELVES IN THIS.  Rothschild's agents paid agitators to go amoung you and get you to do this thing.
A TRUCK DEMONSTRATION can do nothing good.  You will not be gathered together where you can speak to each other and exchange views and learn something, because each of you is going to have to stay with his expensive rig.  You are the last people to cause a revolution, but destroying you and your trucks in nuclear terrorism will do a lot to defeating this country, in igniting just the calamity that we know the conspiracy -- the Rothschild world power -- wants to accomplish.
You don't know who I am, and you don't know my political stand on trucking regulations etc.  -- so forget me.  I ask you to talk to your wives and your friends.  And if you are smart enough and good enough  -- pray for guidance.
I am predicting trouble and I am on your side.  I give you reasons why this demonstration can accomplish nothing good - even if I am wrong about the trap.  But I know that someone spent a lot of money to get you and your trucks in Washington DC at this time.
Don't go.  Think.   Don't let Rothschild agents force you into this by calling you a sissy or a coward for not going  -- or for saying you are disloyal to your buddies.  Rather you stand up and save your buddies for what can only be a trap.
That's all the arguments I have.  I hope that is enough  -- or I hope alerting you to the possibility it will awaken your own caution and thought to detect more reasons why the Truck Demonstration in Washington is a trap.
Dick Eastman
Yakima Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
Everyone, get this to the truckers.