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Look what's hiding in Obama's cupboard. . .

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Oct. 5, 2013

"The cupboard is bare. There's no more cuts to make."

That's what Nancy Pelosi told the country right before the government "shutdown."

Nancy must not have looked in the can of oatmeal and behind the sugar bowl, because had she done so, she would have found:

*** The Department of Veterans Affairs spending $562,000 on artwork to use up "excess budget funds";

*** The Agriculture Department spending $144,000 on toner cartridges in a single day;

*** The Federal Bureau of Land Management paying $98,670 for an outhouse in Alaska; and

*** President Obama sending $100 million of taxpayer funds to the Michigan spendthrifts who bankrupted Detroit.

And that's just a small piece of the pie.

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, where the median salary is $120,000, has spent over $30,000 on picture frames in the past two years . . . One federal employee leased a $53,000 car on the government's tab . . . the list goes on and on.

And administrators overseeing this waste are rewarded with more of your money!

This spending must stop before all our cupboards truly become bare, which is why I need you to sign your Hold the Line Fax Petition to Congress today.

And if you can, please chip in to help Campaign for Liberty's efforts to fight for fiscal sanity with your most generous contribution of $50, $40, $30, or $10.

Patrick, the waste in our runaway government is sickening. Our national debt is approaching $17 TRILLION as I write this.

And since 2008, federal spending has increased 37% to $3.68 trillion per year.

That amount will only go up when ObamaCare is fully implemented.

You and I need to remind Congress this won't be tolerated anymore.

We need to let them know loudly and clearly that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

The madness must be stopped.

The good news is Congress is feeling the heat from grassroots activists like you. They have heard from Campaign for Liberty members across the country that we don't want ObamaCare's mandates.

They've heard from us that the days of spending like a "drunken sailor" must be put behind our nation once and for all.

But you and I can't let up now.

Nancy Pelosi may believe there isn't room for more cuts, but her rhetoric is a sad attempt to excuse waste, abuse, and a Big Government agenda.

Media reports and sources on Capitol Hill are saying the "cupboard is bare" claim is the opening argument in an attempt by Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama to ram through a tax increase.

And they may be aided-and-abetted by tax-and-spend Republicans, who would rather grab more out of your pocket - and keep protecting the Federal Reserve-created "inflation" tax - than cut one penny from domestic or overseas spending.

Right now, intense pressure from big-spending Republicans, Democrats, lobbyists, and more is pouring in on John Boehner and GOP leadership to cave and pass legislation increasing spending, allowing ObamaCare's full implementation, raising the debt limit, and even hiking taxes.

So it is vital you sign your Hold the Line Fax Petition today.

And if you can, please contribute $50, $40, $30, or even $10 to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more Americans in the fight to hold the line against the big spenders.

If we don't keep pushing back, GOP leadership could surrender and give President Obama, Harry Reid, and their big-spending allies everything they want.

That's why I need you to let Congress know you are keeping tabs on their irresponsible actions.

I am confident that if you and I persevere in our fight for limited, constitutional government, liberty will ultimately prevail.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Our nation can no longer afford Congress' reckless, extravagant ways, and our elected officials need another reminder that you and I won't stand for it.

Please sign your Hold the Line Fax Petition right away to help Campaign for Liberty send a strong message to Capitol Hill to reject more spending, more taxes, and ObamaCare's mandates.

And if you can, please chip in toward C4L's efforts with a contribution of $50, $40, $30, or $25 today. Only our members' generous support keeps us going in the fight for liberty.

Thank you for standing with us to defend freedom.