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Our best chance to End the Mandate!

John Tate

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Oct. 1, 2013

The next 24-48 hours are critical to our efforts to roll back ObamaCare.


Last night, the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution that stops President Obama from implementing ObamaCare’s key feature: the Individual Mandate.


But Harry Reid and his statist Senate allies rejected this CR without even a minute of debate, even though President Obama already delayed the Employer Mandate for his well-connected corporate cronies.


Now it is up to the House to hold the line and make sure Harry Reid’s Senate drops its obstruction and gives you and me the same exemption Obama unilaterally gave his pals.


So please call your Representative and Senators immediately and tell them to oppose any Continuing Resolution that does not stop the Individual Health Care Mandate:


Sen. Tim Johnson - (202) 224-5842


Sen. John Thune - (202) 224-2321


Rep. Kristi Noem - (202) 225-2801


Make no mistake, the Individual Mandate, which forces Americans to buy a government-approved health care plan, not only infringes on your right to control your own health care but serves as the foundation of ObamaCare.


So if we stop the implementation of the mandate, we can topple ObamaCare.


The simple truth is, if we are not successful in slowing down ObamaCare this year, it will be much more difficult to stop this law in the future.


Once millions of Americans are forced to enroll in the government’s health care scheme, defunding ObamaCare would then be compared to defunding troops in a war zone.


That is why I need you to take action today to urge your Representative and Senators to push for a complete end to the Individual Mandate.


Contrary to the squeals of the statist media, politicians, and special interests, the country will not collapse due to this “government shutdown.”


In fact, most “essential” functions of the federal government remain open during the shutdown.


But I am hearing reports, both in the media and on Capitol Hill, that House Speaker John Boehner and others in the House GOP may cave in due to the pressure they are feeling from every special interest set to benefit from ObamaCare.


I am afraid that unless you and I act today, Republicans will once again negotiate with themselves and agree to a “deal” that gives Obama and Reid everything they want - and leaves us facing the consequences of ObamaCare’s individual mandate.


That is why it is vital you contact your Representative and Senators today to let them know you are watching them and you expect them to give you the same relief from ObamaCare's Mandate that Obama already gave to big corporations.


Sen. Tim Johnson - (202) 224-5842


Sen. John Thune - (202) 224-2321


Rep. Kristi Noem - (202) 225-2801


As our Chairman, Ron Paul, famously said, “Each of us must choose which course of action we should take: education, conventional political action, or even peaceful civil disobedience to bring about necessary changes.


"But let it not be said that we did nothing. Let not those who love the power of the welfare/warfare state label the dissenters of authoritarianism as unpatriotic or uncaring.”



Putting an end to President Obama’s ill-conceived government health care scheme is one of the most patriotic actions an American could take right now.


I hope you’ll stand with us in this fight to End the Mandate!


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. Preventing President Obama from enacting the Individual Health Care Mandate is key to stopping ObamaCare before it becomes fully implemented. And the current fight over the Continuing Resolution provides us an excellent opportunity to stop the Mandate.


But Harry Reid would rather shut down the government than give you the same relief from ObamaCare that Obama has already given to big businesses!


John Boehner and the rest of the House GOP leadership could fold at any moment and cut a deal with themselves to give Reid and Obama a "clean" CR that does nothing to protect you from having to buy a government-approved health care plan.


That is why I need you to call your Senators and Representative TODAY.


Tell them to stand up to Harry Reid and pass a CR that stops implementation of the Individual Health Care Mandate. Please also tell your Representative to stand firm and refuse to support any CR that does not at least stop implementation of the Individual Health Care Mandate.


And if you can, please chip in to help Campaign for Liberty expand its efforts with a contribution of $50, $40, $30, or $20 today.