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Can I count on you?

Georganne Chapin

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Sept. 18, 2013

I know you've been hearing a lot from me lately, but we're running out of time and we still have a long way to go to reach our goal of 10,000 signatures.


Can I count on you to speak up for the innocent babies who are being strapped down and assaulted in Good Samaritan Hospital's circumcision pain and blood-loss study?

4,118 people have signed our letter, which means we still need 5,882 signatures in time for our demonstration and press conference outside the hospital in Cincinnati on October 3, where we will present our letter.

This heinous "study" is happening right in our backyard. That’s right, American doctors are experimenting on the genitals of non-consenting minors in the name of bad science.

This hospital needs to know that conducting pain and bleeding experiments on babies is cruel, unscientific, and WRONG!


Will you sign our letter today?

With gratitude,

Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America