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John Boehner Thinks You're Stupid

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Sept. 11, 2013

Unless you contact your representative immediately, the GOP House leadership may get away with a bait-and-switch con job that could make it almost impossible to repeal ObamaCare. . .


As you know, back in August, I urged Campaign for Liberty members to send the House and Senate a clear message:


Do not support any Continuing Resolution (CR) that ensures tax dollars can keep flowing to the federal bureaucracy past September 30 if it does not fully DEFUND OBAMACARE!


Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor want you to think they're listening to the grassroots, so they're planning to allow the House to vote to defund ObamaCare next week, and then vote separately on a CR. . .


Then, both bills will go to the Senate, where Harry Reid will make sure the bill defunding ObamaCare gets defeated and the big-spending CR gets passed.


And under the House leadership's proposals, once the CR passes the Senate, it can go straight to the President for his signature!


So as you can see, the vote on defending ObamaCare is meaningless because House leadership has once again rigged the game so that the statists win and liberty loses.


That's why I need you to call John Boehner and your representative immediately and tell them to vote NO on any rule that allows the House to pretend they're defunding ObamaCare while allowing Harry Reid and Barack Obama to ignore that vote.


My Capitol Hill sources are telling me that if enough GOP representatives could be persuaded to defy John Boehner, it could help defeat this rule.


But only if liberty-loving Americans turn up the heat on Congress. . .


So please call John Boehner and your representative today and demand they vote against the rule on the CR.


You can reach John Boehner and your representative at:


John Boehner: (202) 225-6205


Rep. Kristi Noem: (202) 225-2801


And if you can, please chip in to help Campaign for Liberty's efforts to stop ObamaCare.


If opponents of ObamaCare stand firm, I am confident we can force John Boehner and Eric Cantor to send Harry Reid a CR fully defunding ObamaCare and give him an ultimatum:


Either defund ObamaCare, or stop spending our money on your beloved welfare state programs.


Talk about a win-win!


But if Boehner and Cantor are allowed to avoid even fighting to defund ObamaCare, then we may lose our best chance to stop ObamaCare this year.


And if we don't repeal ObamaCare this year, it may be too late.


Once the mandate and subsidies kick in during 2014, it will be much more difficult to reverse ObamaCare.


And getting rid of ObamaCare is crucial for the liberty and well-being of the people.


Under ObamaCare, most Americans will be forced to buy major government-approved health insurance, health care costs will dramatically increase, your options of medical treatment will be sharply limited, and you and your doctor will be forced to turn over your medical records to the IRS for inclusion in an ObamaCare database.


That's right, the same IRS that was recently caught harassing pro-liberty groups will be reading your private health care records.


Worse yet, they are authorized to share your personal health care information with other federal and state bureaucracies.


This fight is too important to let House leadership off the hook with a symbolic vote.


So please call John Boehner and your representative today and tell them you will not settle for gimmicks. Urge your representative to vote against the rule for the Continuing Resolution unless the rule allows for more than a symbolic vote to defund ObamaCare.


And if you can, please chip in to help Campaign or Liberty's ongoing efforts to fully repeal ObamaCare.


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. Next week, the House GOP will hold a vote to defund ObamaCare and then hold a separate vote on a Continuing Resolution (CR).


Then, both bills will go to the Senate, where Harry Reid will make sure the bill defunding ObamaCare gets defeated and the big-spending CR gets passed.


If the House leadership gets away with this, we will have lost our best chance to stop ObamaCare before the mandates and subsidies fully kick in.


So please call John Boehner and your representative TODAY and tell them to vote NO on the rule for the Continuing Resolution unless the rule allows for more than a symbolic vote to defund ObamaCare.


You can reach John Boehner and your representative at:


John Boehner: (202) 225-6205


Rep. Kristi Noem: (202) 225-2801





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