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Engage Iran for a ceasefire in Syria

Just Foreign Policy

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Sept. 11, 2013

Last night, President Obama indefinitely postponed his push for a Congressional authorization for war in Syria, saying he was going to pursue a Russian proposal to put Syria’s chemical weapons under international control. As the New York Times noted, this historic shift from a push for war to a push for diplomacy came as the Obama Administration faced "implacable opposition to a strike in Syria in Congress and throughout the country," and a vote authorizing military action "was almost certain to lose" as "opposition to a strike was hardening" on Capitol Hill. [1]


This is a historic opportunity to change the conversation about U.S. policy towards Iran. Engaging Iran is going to be key to bringing Syria’s chemical weapons under control. It is also going to be key to achieving a ceasefire in Syria and negotiations to end the civil war

Can you help us spread this message? Sign and share our petition to President Obama and Congress at MoveOn:


Efforts to promote diplomatic engagement with Iran have been stymied in Washington by the perceived influence of AIPAC. [2]


But AIPAC looks to be on its way to a historic legislative defeat. It has campaigned vigorously for the authorization of force in Syria. But public opposition is stronger.


This is a key moment to see if we can break the Washington taboo against talking about diplomacy with Iran. If we can talk to Russia about Syria—as the President is now doing—we can talk to Iran about Syria as well. [3]


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Thank you for all you do to help bring about a more just foreign policy,


Robert Naiman, Chelsea Mozen, Sarah Burns and Megan Iorio

Just Foreign Policy


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Tell President Obama and Congress to engage Iran in order to bring about a ceasefire in Syria.

Sign the Petition





1. “Obama Delays Syria Strike to Focus on a Russian Plan,” Mark Landler and Jonathan Weisman, New York Times, September 10, 2013,

2. “How Syria Plays Into AIPAC Mythology,” Megan Iorio, Truthout, September 10, 2013,

3. “With War Off the Table, It’s Time for Syria Ceasefire, Negotiations, and Talking to Iran,” Robert Naiman, Common Dreams, September 11, 2013,