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Sept. 11, 2013

BATR RealPolitik Newsletter

MMXIII Vol. 1 - September 12

Remember 911 by reviewing


911 a saga of deceit and lies




Take Action Now - (do not assume a stand down)

Grassfire has learned that a survey by the Associated Press indicates that House members either oppose or lean against Obama's plan for a military strike by a margin of more than six-to-one. The AP also reports, "Almost half of the 433-member House and a third of the 100-member Senate remain undecided."


There's no better time to make your voice heard and oppose another war in the Middle East!


+ + Grassroots Effort The Last Line Of Defense!


With Obama set to address the nation on Tuesday night, today's TV tour could translate into votes of support from "fence-sitters" in Congress. A sustained grassroots effort is America's last line of defense to counter the President's on-going media assault.

If you haven't yet scheduled your faxes for immediate delivery to your two New York Senators and Representative, as well as others who are "sitting on the fence about Syria," do so right now by clicking here.

With lawmakers returning to Capitol Hill today, the onslaught of pressure and intimidation from Team Obama will only intensify. That's why it's critical for you to take immediate action!

Counter Team Obama's efforts by clicking here now to schedule your faxes for direct delivery to key House and Senate lawmakers -- many of whom are undecided and vulnerable at this crucial time.

Utilizing Grassfire's FaxFire system is one of the best ways possible to immediately make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. Your message will reach directly into House and Senate offices TODAY!


Or send your own faxes by clicking here. You'll find a list of fax targets, their contact information and customizable messages that you can download and fax yourself.



Forced by a public outcry to back down from his threat to bomb Syria without congressional authorization, President Obama is calling for a vote of our elected representatives. You can help stop the rush to war, but you've got to act fast. It is urgently necessary for you to call your congressional representatives and tell them to vote no on the authorization of the use of military force – because we don't want to be lied into war again. (Go here for the contact information for your congressional rep.)

The call you make today could stop the disastrous war of tomorrow – so make it asap. 

Here's the Best Way to Tell Congress Your Opinion on Syria - Click Here To Find Your Representative


"The best ways to get in touch with your member of congress is either a phone call or email. We do our best to respond to both" said the office of my own Representative Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. "It's better to ring us and let us know how you feel. Physical letters are fine, but there is a time lag. This is a somewhat time sensitive issue. We still have a few more days until congress is in session to deliberate

Click Here To Find Your Representative

Any constituent can call up their representative or senator and register their opinion on Syria. In fact some representatives, like Morgan Griffith of Virginia, have issued letters urging citizens to tell them what they think. It is often best to ask a hill staffer for a written confirmation that you have registered your opinion with your representative so that you can follow up with that member of congress and see how they voted. Email and letters are accepted as well but seem to be less effective than phone calls. It's as simple as finding your representative's office number.

Some members of congress are holding special town hall meetings to hear their constituents' opinions on the crisis in Syria.  -  If you would like to attend one of these Town Halls here is a guide to the best ways to prepare. You can visit your representative's websites to find out if there is a town hall meeting scheduled near you.

You can tweet directly at congressional members.




Descartes and Western Civilization Individualism

The philosophical condemnation of the supremacy in individual liberty verses the reigning doctrine of collective dominance, is a primary cause for the destruction of Western Civilization principles. Rene Descartes preferred to do his radical doubt thinking in solitude. In today’s society, thinking is about as foreign as rational behavior. In order to understand the timeless values and precepts that fostered the underpinnings of our Western thought and heritage, the significance of Descartes needs a close examination.



(Read the entire "Solitary Purdah" essay)




an uncommon site

for the common man


SARTRE is the pen name of James Hall, a reformed, former political operative. "Populism" best describes the approach to SARTRE's perspective on Politics. 



Forecasts of a Doomed Economy

Contrary investing used to be a profitable endeavor. Things have changed. The doom business is in full swing as many financial prognosticators seek to hedge their normally ecstatic outlooks in order to sell their advice. When tragedy becomes a consensus sentiment, it used to be the time to buy. Now that formula has to factor in a different set of risks. Namely the incoherent political intrusions and stimulus-austerity gyrations has to head the list. Has forecasting become a lost art or did it evolve into an algorithm supercomputer project? In either case, the doom factor is sure to continue to be a stable from the Cassandra circle as long as an economic recovery allures the former members of the middle class.



(Read the entire "Negotium" essay)

"Two Million Bikers" Rally Roars Into D.C.


Area for 9/11




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Washington  DC Denied Permit For "2 Million Biker Ride In DC" but gave "Million Muslim March" 1 #TCOT


In response to the planned “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on 9/11, bikers announced their own rival 2 Million Biker Ride. This weekend, news surfaced on blogs and Twitter that D.C. had denied the bikers an event permit.


AFP PODCAST: March Against Fear, Washington, D.C., 9/11/13, High Noon 



Dr. Kevin Barrett discusses the upcoming Million American March Against Fear in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2013.
Kevin also touches upon his introduction into the 9-11 truth movement, the enemies of the movement, and the plan to get back our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights that have been subject to a massive campaign of fear instituted by the powers-that-be, in this informative interview (18:47).



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At least one million people will see this billboard each day throughout the month of September, bringing unprecedented attention to the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. We in the ReThink911 campaign would like to thank everyone who donated and worked so hard to bring this billboard to Times Square.





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