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What we did last night

Anna Galland, MoveON

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Sept. 10, 2013

Last night's vigils to oppose military strikes on Syria were powerful—truly. Here a quick report back:

  • 165 vigils in 41 states from coast to coast
  • 7,000 people RSVP'd—including folks from MoveOn, PCCC, Credo Action, USAction, and other Win Without War allies
  • More than 1,000 stories in local and national newspapers and broadcasts
  • And to top it off, in the 24 hours, members have chipped in $120,000 to keep this work going

We've been building pressure on Congress since last week, when we launched tens of thousands of calls to congressional offices. Now, details are emerging of a possible agreement between Syria and the international community.

Our voices are making a difference—please take a moment to reflect and share some of the best photos from last night's vigil:









MoveOn members hold vigils to oppose military strikes

on Syria

Thanks for all you do.

–Anna, Linda, Alex, Maria, and the rest of the team

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