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Obama Ready to 'Fix' Syria

John Tate - Campaing for Liberty

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Sept. 9, 2013

Just ask them.


The statists will tell you they've "fixed" our fragile economy with massive spending schemes, regulations, and tax hikes.


They've "fixed" American health care with ObamaCare. They're "fixing" immigration with "reforms" and a massive new National ID database.


Now that they're back from their August recess, President Obama and Big Government apologists from BOTH parties are ready to "fix" Syria's civil war - even when it means rushing to the aid of al-Qaeda.


Without your action today, I'm afraid President Obama and his statists pals in BOTH parties will get exactly what they want - a new, ugly war with Syria.

I'm afraid - if they get their wish - American citizens will pay the price once again.


That's why it's vital you sign your "No War in Syria" Emergency Fax Petition right away.


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Patrick, there is never any issue more serious than war.


The problem is, it's virtually impossible to take those who are clamoring for military involvement in Syria seriously.


While Secretary of State John Kerry argues before the U.S. Senate that Bashar al-Assad is Syria's Hitler, photos emerge of an intimate dinner then-Senator Kerry and his wife had with the Assads just a few years ago.


Senator John McCain plays poker on his phone during Senate hearings on Syria, right before joining with President Obama once again - this time to push for war in Syria.


No one thinks Bashar Al-Assad is a saint. His brutality is unquestioned.


But now the statists are asking our military to aid rebels - some with al-Qaeda affiliations?


The same rebels who are brutally executing Christians in the streets of Syria?


And how long until the "surgical" air strikes President Obama and his statist pals in BOTH parties are begging for turn into what they really want?


Boots on the ground.


You and I know the "unbelievably small" attack on Syria is only the first step.


The resolution being considered right now by the Senate won't prevent President Obama from sending U.S. ground troops to Syria.


Already, news is breaking of U.S. training of certain Syrian rebel forces in Jordan.


But the statists know the American people aren't ready for this kind of war - just yet.


They know that right now polls show over 70% oppose military action in Syria.


So you and I just need to let them launch a quick attack and everything will be "ok" - knowing good and well the situation will only escalate in the next few weeks.


Are you and I really supposed to believe - after our experiences over the past decade - this won't turn out badly?


Do you and I really trust that President Obama and his backers in BOTH parties won't waste more of our troops' lives and our tax dollars?


Whether it's gun control, the National ID database, or tax hikes, this is the same crew you and I have fought on so many other issues in recent months.


Now, we're just supposed to trust them?


I don't know about you, but my answer is "NO!" Even those who often clamor for more U.S. military involvement agree.


That's why it's so important you sign your "No War in Syria" Emergency Fax Petition right away.


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The Senate has already started debate, and the first votes are expected this Wednesday.


The good news is, many Members of Congress are saying calls against involvement in the Syrian civil war are flooding their offices.


In fact, one House Member who initially supported a U.S. military strike switched his position due to so many phone calls from his constituents!


Now it's time to draw our red line in the sand and say "NO!"


If you agree, please sign your "No War in Syria" Emergency Fax Petition right away.


And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution, as well.


Patrick, as I mentioned, there is no more serious issue than war.


You and I both know that.


That's why I want to make sure as many folks as possible contact their Representatives and Senators over the next few days.


But I can't do it without your generosity.


Flooding Congress with emails, phone calls, and Emergency Fax Petitions such as the one I've created for you costs money.


In fact, it can be very expensive - especially during fast-happening fights like this one.


So won't you agree to a generous contribution of $30?


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I know that's a lot.


But the ONLY reason President Obama hasn't acted already is because of the pressure from good folks like you.


It's working.


You and I just have to do more.


But if $30 is just too much, won't you please agree to $20 or at least $10?


Patrick, whatever you can do will help. Just please act IMMEDIATELY.


Please sign your "No War in Syria" Emergency Fax Petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY.


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. The Senate has already started debate, and first votes are expected this Wednesday.


Remember, the ONLY reason President Obama hasn't acted already is because of the pressure from good folks like you.


It's working.

You and I just have to do more.



So please sign your "No War in Syria" Emergency Fax Petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY.


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