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Impeachable? Obama released thousands of criminal illegals

Tea Partoy News

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Sept. 5, 2013

It all comes down to you.

Earlier this year we were told 622 criminal illegals were released from prison. The real number? 8,000, according to ICE documents.

These people committed homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, threats, extortion, sex offenses, cruelty toward family, resisting an officer, illegal weapon possession, hit and run, and drug offenses accompanied by sentences of more than a year. It was Obama who willfully sprung them free into our backyards, giving them defacto amnesty.

He must be stopped. America will not tolerate any more violations of our Constitution.

Obama has engaged in mass deception and cover-ups from his personal role in the Benghzi attacks to “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation, NSA spying, tacitly supporting a Muslim Brotherhood revolution and the “dictator” illegally bypassed Congress to pass Obamacare. That's the short list.

We have do this together if we stand a chance of impeaching him. What can you do?

It's simple. I need you to do three things:

1. Donate to the Tea Party to help fuel our impeachment efforts

We're organizing mass rallies nationwide, holding marathon meetings in DC with everyone in a position of power, setting up phone banks, calling citizens across the US, blasting millions of emails. Help us do more to spread the rally cry! Donate today.

2. Blast your "IMPEACH OBAMA" message to Congress

Impeachment buzz in DC has never been greater but we must keep the heat on! Blast your "OUST OBAMA" fax directly into the offices of all 535 Congressmen today!

3. Sign the Impeach Obama Petition

Barrack Hussein Obama has committed unconstitutional and impeachable offenses and we demand Congress begin impeachment proceedings! Sign the IMPEACH OBAMA petition here.

Without your support we got nothing. Are you in?

Steve Eichler


Tea Party

P.S. - HEY! We're continuing our calls across America to expose Obama's lies, deceits and unlawful power grabs. If you donate today we can make even more calls. Can I count on you?