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162 Reps with 64 Dems: Congress must approve Syria strike

Robert Naiman-Moveon

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On Monday, I asked you to sign our petition at MoveOn to President Obama and Congress demanding that Congress debate and vote before any U.S. military strike on Syria, as required by the U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Resolution.


More than 25,000 people have taken action. You can see that here:


President Obama: Don't Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval


I'm writing to tell you how Congress has responded. In the last few days, 162 Members of the House, including 64 Democrats, have publicly called for a debate and vote before any U.S. military strike.

I wrote up the news here:

162 Reps., Including 64 Democrats, Call for Debate & Vote Before War With Syria

As I write this, press reports are saying that a strike is still imminent, and that President Obama still has not agreed to allow a Congressional debate and vote before a strike.

It's important to get the news out that 162 Members of the House, including 64 Democrats, are on record saying that there should be a Congressional debate and vote before any U.S. military strike on Syria.

Please read the news and share it with your networks:

162 Reps., Including 64 Democrats, Call for Debate & Vote Before War With Syria


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Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy comply with democracy and the rule of law.