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Obama's new Executive Orders

Dudley Brown - National Gun Rights

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Aug. 29, 2913

News is breaking this morning that Barack Obama is set to skip Congressional approval and issue new gun control Executive Orders.

I've instructed my legislative staff to begin analyzing these new attacks on your Second Amendment rights and prepare a briefing for me as soon as possible.  I'll be sure to pass on the full implications of Obama's actions to you next week.

Obama's newly emboldened actions could be the precursor to his signing of the UN Gun Ban, which his State Department said he would sign "in the very near future."

Soon after he does that, gun owners could be steaming full speed ahead to a showdown battle over final passage in the U.S. Senate!

That's why NAGR is looking for Three Million American Patriots to Pledge Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda.

If you are one of the more than 1.7 million who have already signed the pledge, please click here to forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign as well.

But if you haven't yet done so, please click on the image below to Pledge Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda IMMEDIATELY!

When you do, you'll be automatically entered to win the Iron Ridge Arms IRA-X THOR .308 Sniper Rifle (valued at $8,800!) shown below.

Thanks -- in advance -- for taking action.

-- Dudley

From: Dudley Brown []

Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:23 PM

Subject: It's here

Obama, Biden, McCain and Schumer vow to enact gun control

Dear Ed,

The Washington, D.C. rumor mill, news reports and threats coming from within President Obama’s administration are now all saying the same thing . . .

The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty” could be headed for a showdown on the U.S. Senate floor any time now!

Ed, I know I don’t have to spell it out for you.  But that means you and I could have just WEEKS left in our fight to stop this dangerous GLOBAL gun control scheme!

You see, ever since the United Nations finalized the details of its anti-gun Treaty on April 2 of this year, all the gun-grabbers have been waiting on to launch their ratification assault is President Obama’s go ahead.

As reported in The Hill weeks ago, President Obama’s strategy from the get-go was to “wait until the cover of darkness” of the August recess to sign the Treaty and touch off a Senate ratification fight.

That way, most Americans would be enjoying the final days of summer and focusing on getting the kids ready to go back to school while President Obama begins laying the ground work for Treaty ratification.

And with many Americans lulled asleep by summer -- and the anti-gun national media ready to parrot the gun-grabbers’ “national security” talking points about the Treaty -- I’m afraid President Obama could succeed in creating the “perfect storm” he needs to ratify his anti-gun crown jewel.

I can’t begin to tell you what a DISASTER this would be.

While the U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty” is being sold as a “common-sense measure” to combat international terrorism, piracy, and organized crime, the reality is something much different and FAR more sinister.

Reading through Article V and Article XII of the treaty, it’s easy to see why this INTERNATIONAL gun control scheme is the gun-grabbers’ crown jewel.

That’s why it’s vital you Pledge Your Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda IMMEDIATELY.

In fact, I'm looking for 3 million patriots to sign the pledge against the ratification of the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty” or any domestic legislation containing any of this Treaty’s provisions.

There’s no time to waste.  This is an all-out EMERGENCY!

In fact, it’s hard to imagine how our Second Amendment could possibly survive this assault after reading through the horrific details of the Treaty, including:

*** Requiring the United States to mandate licenses for gun and ammo sales, and perhaps even bans on certain types of firearms;  This could include anything from semi-auto rifles to shotguns to handguns!
*** Mandating a new INTERNATIONAL gun registry;  The registry must include “the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms” and the identity of the “end user.”
*** Access for foreign governments to AMERICAN firearms records.  Not only would our federal government and international bureaucrats have access to these records, but also would leaders in anti-gun and potentially hostile countries around the globe!
As bad as all this is, it will only be the first step.

You and I both know registration is the first step toward outright CONFISCATION.  This Treaty sets the stage for confiscation on a GLOBAL scale.

Worse, international Treaty ratification takes place solely in the U.S. Senate, which gives you and me only ONE SHOT to stop the bill.

Worse -- whether it’s rolling over for a new national DANGEROUS ID database under the guise of “immigration reform” or a host of other issues -- many “pro-gun” Senate Republicans seem scared of their own shadow.

Just recently, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threatened to use the “nuclear option” to weaken the Senate filibuster, Senate Republicans quickly caved, promising to confirm some of President Obama’s most radical appointees to federal agencies.

67 votes for Senate ratification is a high hurdle.  But President Obama and Harry Reid know, if they can come up with yet another game of chicken, weak-kneed Republicans will likely hand them everything they want.

That’s why you and I must turn up the heat on the U.S. Senate before it’s too late.

But as I mentioned, there’s not much time to launch the kind of mobilization effort it could take to defeat this radical scheme.

So I’ve already authorized National Association for Gun Rights staff to pull out all the stops using mail, email, and public relations efforts including blogs, op-eds and talk radio appearances.

But you and I both know that likely won’t be enough.

To win this fight, I’m going to have to run hard-hitting Internet, radio, newspaper and TV ads in up to a dozen states.

That effort alone could cost well over a million dollars.

Unlike the gun-grabbers, I don’t have billionaires like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bankrolling NAGR’s efforts.

I simply must depend on your generosity.

So won’t you please Pledge Your Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda TODAY?

And if you can, I hope you’ll agree to your most generous contribution, as well.

Your generous support will help me launch the all-out effort it will take to stop the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty.”

Ed, I don’t want to mince words here.  I need you to please recognize how serious this is.

In fact, I must ask you to please consider a generous contribution of at least $10 or $20.

The U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty” -- which could impose Chicago-style gun bans on ALL American citizens in one fell swoop -- has been President Obama’s top anti-gun priority from day one of his administration.

There’s no telling what he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have up their sleeves.

You and I must be ready to fight back with everything we have.

Every dollar you can give right now is absolutely critical.

Just please Pledge Your Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda IMMEDIATELY and be as generous as you can.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

P.S. The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty” could be headed for a showdown on the U.S. Senate floor at any time now!

This global gun control scheme has been President Obama’s top anti-gun priority from day one of his administration, so there’s no telling what he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have up their sleeve to ratify the Treaty.

That’s why it’s critical you Pledge Your Opposition to Obama's Global Agenda along with your most generous contribution of $10 or $20 TODAY!

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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