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Ingrid's amazing win

Alace Jay - Avaaz

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Aug. 28, 2013

Ingrid, an Avaaz member, has used our site to help save a Norwegian woman from being sent to jail for being raped!

Marte Dalelv was sexually assaulted while visiting Dubai, but when she reported it to the police, she was sentenced to 16 months in prison for "extra-marital sex"! When Ingrid read about Marte's case, she started a petition on Avaaz calling on the Dubai and Norwegian governments to ensure Marte's release. The petition and the Facebook page she created exploded on social media and people from all over the world signed the petition and flooded the two governments with messages at addresses that Ingrid posted on her Avaaz petition page.

Within days, Marte was released, and the Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide posted a Twitter message saying: "Marte is released! Thanks to everyone who signed up to help."

Ingrid's campaign was covered by major media outlets and clearly ramped up the diplomatic pressure to free Marte and bring her home to her family. And it all started with a simple step of starting a petition on the Avaaz community website. Think of an issue you care about and click here to get started -- it's incredibly quick and easy to start a campaign:

The Prime Minister of Norway said,"There is no doubt that attention from around the world, and the tenacity of the foreign ministry ... led to this decision." In just a few minutes, Ingrid started an amazing campaign that helped win over decision makers in Dubai and Norway.

Starting a campaign only takes a few minutes, but the impact of success can last for years. Plus, if the petition gets enough support on its own, the staff at Avaaz could pick up the campaign, add strategic advice, media help, and even send it to a wider list of members. We’ve got tonnes of tips and advice to help you along the way -- all it takes is to get started, share your passion and you can be on your way to winning on any issue - local, national or global.

Ingrid wasn't convinced that starting an online petition would save Marte - but when she and her organisation Partnership for Change saw the impact of their victory, they realised how powerful this easy model can be to get change. Send this email to the people you know who have great ideas about how to make the world a better place or click on the link to be a part of it:

Many Avaaz campaigns have been started by Avaaz members, from bringing hundreds of workers in Bahrain safely home to India, to allowing partners stay in touch with imprisoned love ones in New Mexico. All these took just a few minutes to get started. Let's become world-changers together and multiply our impact by the thousands.

With hope and excitement for all we can achieve together,

Alice, Emma, Oli, Carol, Ricken, Luca, Laura and the whole Avaaz team

More Information:

Original campaign: Marte Deborah Dalelv Released (Avaaz Community Petitions)

Marte Deborah Dalelv Released (Partnership for Change)

Norwegian Woman, Sentenced After Reporting Rape in Dubai, Is ‘Pardoned’ (New York Times)

Marte Deborah Dalelv, Alleged Norwegian Rape Victim, Pardoned After Being Sentenced To Jail For Sex Outside Marriage (Huffington Post)

What A Wonderful World! Get Raped In Dubai And You'll Serve 16 Months In Prison (Forbes)