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John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Aug. 23, 2013

"We have to pass it [ObamaCare] so that you can find out what's in it...." - Nancy Pelosi, 2010

Well, now we know what's in it, Nancy, and we know why you wanted us to wait till ObamaCare became law before we found out what your plans would lead to.

Skyrocketing insurance rates.

Doctors fleeing the medical profession. "Exemptions" for unions and other Obama cronies.

Government bureaucrats peering into your medical records.

The good news is that you and I have an opportunity to stop this monstrosity. The bad news is, unless you act NOW, this chance may slip through our fingers.

And another opportunity may not come around until it is too late to reverse the damage ObamaCare is doing to our health care and our liberty.

That is why I need you to sign your DEFUND ObamaCare Petition today.

And if you can, please send your most generous contribution to C4L of $50, $40, or $30 to help Campaign for Liberty's efforts to fight for health freedom.

Next month, Congress will consider a "continuing resolution" (CR) to keep taxpayer dollars flowing to the federal bureaucracy.

Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul are spearheading an effort to attach language defunding ObamaCare to the CR.

This would force President Obama, Harry Reid, and their statist cronies to choose between funding all their other big-spending schemes or defunding what they see as their signature "accomplishment."

Talk about a win-win for us!

But some Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, are heading for the tall grass, claiming it would be "irresponsible" to force Obama to choose between admitting his health care plan is a disaster or funding his other favorite programs.

They would rather bask in the approval of the beltway media than obey their promise to you to fight to repeal ObamaCare.

This is why it is vital you sign your Defund ObamaCare Petition today.

And, if you can, provide your most generous contribution possible to Campaign for Liberty.

If you and I don't repeal ObamaCare this year, it may be too late.

Once the mandate and subsidies kick in next year, it will be much more difficult to reverse ObamaCare.

And make no mistake, this bill will do damage.

Not only will ObamaCare force you to buy major government-approved health insurance, raise health care costs, and limit your health care options, it will also force you and your doctor to turn over your medical records - to the IRS - for inclusion in an ObamaCare database.

That's right. The same IRS that was recently caught harassing pro-liberty groups will be reading your private health care records.

And they are authorized to share your personal health care information with other federal and state bureaucracies.

President Obama has made it clear he wants to use your personal medical information as a means of restricting your Second Amendment rights.

Who knows what other uses the government may find for your medical records?

Especially if the government tied this to other databases, such as the TSA or the proposed E-Verify/National ID system.

And the administration has admitted there are no adequate protections against ID theft and other violations of your privacy!

You and I must do all we can to stop this massive invasion of privacy now, before it comes into full effect.

That is why I need you to sign your Defund ObamaCare Petition today.

And please make your most generous contribution of $50, $30, or $20 to C4L right away!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. The debate on the continuing resolution provides us our best chance to stop ObamaCare before it is fully implemented, and you and I are forced to buy government-approved insurance, watch federal spending further explode, and turn over our private health care records to the IRS.

But, while Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz are committed to leading the fight against ObamaCare, many Republicans are running for the hills, scared of taking a stand on principle against ObamaCare.

And, of course, President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi will pull out all the stops to defend what they see as their signature "accomplishment."

C4L must be able to turn the heat up on politicians of all parties.

That's why I need you to sign your Defund ObamaCare Petition today and send your most generous contribution of $50, $30, or $20 to Campaign for Liberty right away!