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We can stop America's descent into socialism!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Aug. 6. 2013

A few days ago, I wrote to you about ObamaCare being the Trojan Horse of socialism in the Obama administration’s quest to invade every area of American culture with leftist “mandates.”

At Liberty Counsel, we are in a relentless fight against Barack Obama’s strategy of offering impossible plans for free goods, services, and “security” while all the time stealing our rights and individual liberties.


As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

My message below outlines a way we can ensure that we pass along a heritage of freedom with constitutionally-protected liberties to our children and grandchildren – Mat.

At this point, there is no question in any honest observer’s mind that the President of the United States of America intends to transform our society into a socialist nation.  

His socialist policies have led to takeovers or near-takeovers of the medical services system, the mortgage, banking, and student loan industries, large portions of the auto industry, the energy industry, and more.  

His stated goal is to redistribute the wealth of our nation, “moving things around a little,” in a classic command economy in which Big Government decides who “shares” what asset.

This administration’s economic policies include failed trillion dollar stimulus packages and ill-considered investments in green industries resulting in taxpayers “sharing” billions of dollars of losses.  


And we are all now faced with “sharing” the consequences of reckless federal spending that led to a National Debt that is fast approaching 17 trillion dollars!

Yet another devastating burden that is being “shared” under the administration’s socialist policies is that we are being forced to help pay for abortions, contraceptives, and sterilization under the overreaching mandates of ObamaCare.

ObamaCare represents the biggest federal funding of abortion in history and mandates participation for providing contraceptive and abortion-inducing drugs. Even before its full implementation, we are “sharing” skyrocketing insurance and medical services costs.

++The blessings of American liberty are long-since compromised.

We seem to have forgotten that “mandate” is just a slightly more palatable word for “dictate.”

Lest we think otherwise, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has made it clear that religious opposition or conscientious objection will not be tolerated under the rules of ObamaCare!  

Further, every American will also now “share” in the cultural destruction resulting from this administration’s constant push for the homosexual agenda and acceptance of same-sex “marriage” in our military, in our schools, and in our nation’s legal code.  

In fact, over the past several years, we have witnessed an aggressive assault on moral values in general.  Religious freedom has greatly diminished and people of faith are being systematically silenced.  We are all “sharing” the result of this moral decline as our society quickly unravels!

++Liberty Counsel does not share the Left’s vision for America!  

The liberal “progressive” movement is fueled by the visions of radical collectivists, the ACLU, and other leftist organizations, and is slavishly supported by the liberal media.  Its stated goal is to remake America into a socialist, Big Government, anti-life, anti-marriage society.


Liberty Counsel’s vision is to bring about a New Birth of Liberty by restoring our core values, our love of freedom, individual responsibility, the sanctity of life, natural marriage, and our Christian heritage.

We will not stand idly by and watch as our nation and our liberties are systematically dismantled!  The course you and I take now will decide the future of this country and perhaps even Western Civilization!

Liberty Counsel’s vision is to empower pastors, church leaders, and congregations all across our nation to change America’s leftist course by 180 degrees!

Liberty Counsel’s vital Pastors and Patriots campaign and special Action Pack will equip you, your pastor, and any American ministry or Bible-believing individual to fulfill the high calling to fearlessly speak the truth.

The Action Pack contains a DVD entitled Silence is Not an Option and the Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches.

Because we are producing so many of these valuable resources, we can make them available for a gift of just $10 per unit.

++Get at least one to keep – and get some more to share!


PLEASE consider making a special gift to Liberty Counsel Action to obtain 2, 5, or even 10 of these powerful Action Packs to deliver to your local pastors, church leaders, and ministries – or to obtain one or more copies for your family, your church, or Bible study group!


Click here to get your copies of the Action Pack well in advance of the upcoming pivotal 2014 mid-term elections:

To change America’s course, our churches MUST stand and be counted!  In order for our churches to stand up, our pastors and church leaders must be educated on legal matters and empowered.

And as you know, the cultural impact of America’s hundreds of thousands of pastors’ leadership is reflected in their church membership, and thus their communities.  

I fervently pray that thoughtful Americans are awakening to just how important their participation in the public policy arena truly is!

Even in the midst of significant threats to our liberty in 2013, I believe we also have unprecedented opportunities to greatly advance the values of life, liberty, and family!

Click here now to order one or more copies for yourself, your pastor, your Bible study group, or political action group:

God bless you as, together, we empower Pastors and Patriots alike to usher in a New Birth of Liberty!  

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. The radical progressive, socialist agenda is crystal clear. Right now, Rapid City pastors and church leaders must not be silenced and kept from sounding the alarm concerning the Left’s dangerous “vision” for our nation.


The DVD Take Back America: Silence is Not an Option and The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches will help guide every American Christian as they form their activities and messages at this crucial time.  

Our Action Pack containing these vital resources is yours for a gift to Liberty Counsel of just $10. You may well want to order many more for your circle of friends and the pastors and other leaders in your community…

Thank you and God bless you! 

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776