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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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July 31, 2013

(NaturalNews) Raw milk farmer Vernon Hershberger has been unjustly maligned by a tyrannical system of bad government. His family and farm were subjected to an armed raid by government goons who trampled all over his private property and accused him of committing "dairy crimes" by distributing raw milk to a small group of people who were members of a private buying club.


Hershberger, who has an Amish background, was then hauled into court where the state attempted to prosecute him and send him to jail for the "crime" of producing real food in America. Thankfully, he was recently found innocent on most of the charges, but then his farm was mysteriously set on fire in the middle of the night, destroying over $100,000 worth of equipment and buildings.


Get up to speed on these events at this excellent website:


Also, check out the new book by David Gumpert which covers Hershberger and other cases of farmers being terrorized by bad government. It's called Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Food Rights: The Escalating Battle over Who Decides What We Eat.


See the trial coverage and additional articles by Gumpert here:


Hershberger fundraiser auction begins August 17th

The Hershberger family is holding a fundraiser auction on August 17th to help raise funds to replace the items lost during the "mysterious" fire. People and organizations from all across the world of food freedom are donating items to the auction in support of Vernon Hershberger.


See the donated items and auction page here:


Natural News has donated $2,500 in cash, plus over $500 worth of nutritional products to be auctioned off in support of Hershberger.


You can also make your own donation, of any amount, at the top of that page.


Donated items so far include signed memorabilia from Sheriff Richard Mack and Alex Jones, massage therapy sessions, a vacation gift certificate, DVD's from the Weston A. Price Foundation and a number of books, including autographed books from David Gumpert.


More donations of products and services are needed for the auction, so please visit the page and see what you can donate:




Why support Vernon Hershberger?

In case you're asking this question, the answer is because Vernon Hershberger is on the front lines of the battle for food rights and farming freedom, and he is a "peaceful warrior" for these sacred rights that are being aggressively and repeatedly violated by a criminal government.


We are living in dark times where our own government declares real food to be criminal. We are suffering under a criminal regime that respects no rights, no privacy, no liberty and no law. People like Vernon Hershberger are those rare champions who are willing to face these great injustices and do battle with evil in classic David vs. Goliath fashion.


Thus, he needs our support, and that's why we have donated cash and product to his fundraiser. Join us in supporting the Hershberger family at: