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Obama's Trojan Horse of socialism-part two

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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July 30, 2013

Now we are learning that cities on the brink of fiscal collapse are looking to dump their pension obligations into ObamaCare!
In fact, retirees with promised health care provisions and seniors dependent on Medicare may soon be pawns in this outrageous scheme to force every American into socialized healthcare! 
We are far past the bogus promises of “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it.”  The Trojan Horse that is ObamaCare comes with full-blown socialism and single-provider (socialized) medicine hidden inside!
Please read my urgent update below – Mat.
Less than a year ago, as we approached the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama was touting his (and Big Government’s) “accomplishment” of saving Detroit by bailing out the auto industry. 
We now know that the “salvation” came through some of the most extensive bailout schemes in the history of our nation, ultimately costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.  
As I’m sure you’ve seen in the news the past few days, Detroit, a liberal-controlled city since 1962, has now declared bankruptcy and is the largest city in America to have done so. 
What you may not have read is that Detroit’s leadership is considering dumping their largest unfunded liabilities, lifetime health care promises to city workers, into ObamaCare in an effort to save the city BIG money.  
Other major cities on the verge of financial collapse are watching Detroit’s ploy very closely.  If it “works” for Detroit, other cities with big pension liabilities are sure to follow suit.  
Detroit could be paving the way for any municipality facing fiscal distress to unload their workers into the ObamaCare pools, leaving healthcare costs and care to the federal government and thus passing the costs of those obligations on to the collective American people.  That is socialism, pure and simple.   
This much is certain: More and more Americans will be forced into ObamaCare by municipalities and other employers who can no longer absorb the skyrocketing health insurance costs.  
++ObamaCare is a Trojan Horse for socialism.
The more dependent people become on ObamaCare, the less likely it will be repealed or defunded. As with the auto industry, the mortgage industry, and the banking industry, it will be “too big to fail.” 
The more the costs are passed on to other citizens and subsidized by the federal government, the more socialized our healthcare system and our economy will become.    
++ObamaCare is already destroying our economy.
As the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher famously said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
This outrageous law is actually the complete socialization of our nation’s medical system and eventually our entire economy. It MUST be stopped before it destroys our medical services industry, makes taxpayer-funded abortion a permanent part of our culture, and bankrupts our already weakened economy.
Together, we CAN stop this outrageous government takeover of the world’s most advanced healthcare industry – in court! 
Please, consider making a special financial gift to help empower the Liberty Counsel legal team in our effort to convince the Supreme Court to overturn ObamaCare.  
I know I have asked this of you many times over the past four years and it is entirely likely that you have given to this cause many times before. But the sheer urgency of this situation is so great that I must ask for your help yet again!
Please go here to help our nation survive the curse of ObamaCare:
++Seniors beware: ObamaCare is gutting Medicare. 
ObamaCare will cut Medicare by over $700 billion in order to partially fund almost $2 trillion in new entitlement spending over the next ten years. A huge portion of those cuts will come from the Medicare Advantage program, which will lose an estimated $150 billion.
And this is just the beginning of the end of Medicare. 
As I’ve mentioned before, the Doctor Patient Medical Association reported that since the passage of ObamaCare…
  • Seventy-four percent of physicians warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely. 
  • The outlook under ObamaCare is so bleak for physicians that an expected shortage of 160,000 doctors is predicted by 2025.
Obamacare imposes $165 billion in new taxes and fees on health plans, drug manufacturers, and device makers. As noted by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office), in the case of plans and devices, these ‘fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of higher premiums.’
Liberty Counsel believes our seniors deserve better than the healthcare changes imposed by ObamaCare!  
I firmly believe that Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare has a good chance of ridding our nation of this unconstitutional, immoral, and fiscally unsound law. 
Liberty Counsel’s legal challenge is the most comprehensive case pending in the country.  As my legal team and I work through our strategy to rid the nation of the scourge of ObamaCare, I hope you’ll consider a financial gift today as the Lord leads you.
God bless you abundantly! We cannot do what we do without you!   
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. I feel Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit is now the nation’s best hope to stop ObamaCare’s unconstitutional plague.  
Please take a minute now and help us meet the challenges of ObamaCare and our other vital efforts in defense of Life, Liberty and Family!  And please continue to pray that the Lord will deliver us from the plague of ObamaCare.
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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776