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Insane: White House meeting with GOP to cut Medicare

Michael Langenmayr, Daily Jos

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July 30, 2013

President Obama is touring the country, talking about the economy, job creation, and income inequality. But his administration is negotiating with Republicans in a last-ditch attempt to strike a “grand bargain” to cut Medicare.


Tell President Obama: Medicare works. Stop pursuing a grand bargain that will hurt seniors and undercut the most successful healthcare program in America.


According to the Wall Street Journal, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough is meeting with Sen. John McCain and other leading Republicans to discuss cutting Medicare benefits.


Since becoming law in 1965, Medicare has lifted millions of American seniors out of poverty and kept millions more from falling into it. President Obama can’t expect us to take his talk about income inequality seriously as his closest advisers are discussing cutting the most successful health care program in American history.


Sign the petition: Stop negotiating a grand bargain to cut Medicare.


Keep fighting,

Michael Langenmayr

Campaign Director, Daily Kos


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