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'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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July 25, 2013

Barack Obama’s army of low-level bureaucrats called “Patient Navigators” will have access to your most personal data as they attempt to guide citizens through the maze of ObamaCare. 
Even as IRS agents target conservatives and the NSA spies on American citizens, the potential for abuse by an army of “Navigators” reporting to the most corrupt administration in American history is unfathomable – and completely unacceptable!  
See my very important update below – Mat.
Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help.’”
Under ObamaCare, a new government entity called the Federal Data Services Hub will share and transmit extremely personal information between the Internal Revenue Service, Health and Human Services, the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, Defense, the Social Security Administration, state governments, and Medicaid offices, as well as the state and federal insurance exchanges. 
And Barack Obama’s army of soon-to-be-hired “Patient Navigators” will be charged with enrolling and advising citizens on ObamaCare’s programs and benefits, to make sure that you are on the right program track, and oh yes, while they’re at it, register you to vote. 
Never mind that NO ONE comprehends the ever-changing nightmare of Big Government intrusion we know as ObamaCare.  Quickly hired, quickly trained “Navigators” with nearly unlimited snooping powers and access to a massive “Data Hub” is every free citizen’s worst nightmare.
++This is beyond scary.  It is chilling to the bone.
According to a report by the Heritage Foundation, this “army” will be recruited, assembled, and put to work as quickly as possible with limited training… 
“Navigators will have access to sensitive data such as Social Security numbers and tax returns [and] there will be no criminal background checks required for them. Indeed, they won’t even have to have high-school diplomas…. But HHS is unconcerned. It points out that Navigators will have to take a 20–30 hour online course about how the 1,200-page law works, which, given its demonstrated complexity, is like giving someone a first-aid course and then making him a med-school professor.”
That army of ill-trained, low-level bureaucrats will have access to the Federal Data Services Hub, a yet unproven system of housing and sharing a comprehensive database containing every American’s most sensitive information.   
That’s why members of the House Ways and Means Committee share your concerns and want answers from Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
That’s why Congressman Patrick Meehan, Chairman of the House Cybersecurity Subcommittee, issued the following stern warning…
“The Obamacare data hub creates a honey pot and the day that it goes online it is going to be a target for hackers and others and they are unprepared to protect the system.”
This data hub, defended by an ill-trained security force, will provide a shopping haven for identity thieves starting on October 1 – just a matter of days from now! 
++We are aggressively fighting Big Brother in court and in the court of public opinion. 
For over 3 years, Liberty Counsel has been on the forefront of fighting against the unconstitutional and immoral mandates of ObamaCare through legislative and legal initiatives. We filed the first private lawsuit against ObamaCare – and now our Liberty Counsel legal team is preparing our appeal to the United States Supreme Court to hear our case. 
I believe Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is America’s best hope to end the federal takeover of our healthcare system and its deadly impact on our culture!
Join us in fervent prayer to be delivered from the murderous, unaffordable, deceitful snares of ObamaCare!
I also hope you will consider standing with my team and me once again by sending a special gift today to help us advance this lawsuit to the High Court. 
The cost of preparing for the Supreme Court while maintaining the aggressive posture we do on dozens of other important legal actions is a difficult challenge, especially in the summer months when so many of our friends and supporters are vacationing or are out of their routines.  Could you step forward and send Liberty Counsel a special gift today?   
++ObamaCare must be repealed or struck down in its entirety
That army of low-level bureaucrats and the Federal Data Services Hub are further reasons why our lawsuit against ObamaCare is now more crucial than ever to the future of our nation and our nation’s health care system!  
Yet, I believe that God has favorably positioned us for ultimate victory over ObamaCare.  Today I pray that you’ll do what you can to help us properly prepare with a special financial gift. 
May God richly bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Your most private information will soon be in the hands of government bureaucrats called “Patient Navigators,” allegedly to help guide you through the maze of ObamaCare.  
ObamaCare is a complete train wreck caused by misplaced socialist zeal coupled with incompetent administration – and its administrators will have access to personal data that should never be collected, much less be at the disposal of Big Brother! 
Please, help us to stand against this lawless administration and achieve the ultimate victory in defeating ObamaCare once and for all. We can only do this with your support! God bless you!  

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776