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'IRS Abuse Deserves Merciless Scrutiny'

L. Brent Bozell III, Media Research Center

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July 25, 2013

Today, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, Citizens United President David Bossie, Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin, and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins joined me in demanding that the liberal broadcast networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—stop censoring coverage of the ongoing IRS targeting scandal.

When news first broke that the IRS was targeting conservative groups—particularly the Tea Party—the Big Three news networks jumped to cover the story. But after two strong weeks, the broadcast networks predictably lost interest in the scandal, and the coverage slowed to a crawl. And during all this time, the IRS scandal has actually been growing.

Multiple new IRS scandals emerged to feed the news cycle such as:

  • $70 million in bonuses to IRS agents
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars of contracts granted to a business owner with a friend inside the agency
  • Agents abusing IRS credit cards to pay for such things as diet pills, romance novels, and even online pornography

Last Thursday, it was revealed that the IRS chief counsel's office appears to have been directly involved in the IRS's scheme to target Tea Party and conservative groups. This shatters the story that this was a scandal orchestrated by two IRS agents in Cincinnati.

This scandal has now reached the Obama Administration, and the networks won't mention anything about it. The IRS chief counsel is one of only two Obama appointees in the agency. Neither ABC nor NBC has uttered a single syllable about it. Only CBS's Scott Pelley has mentioned this connection on air during an interview with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

Conservative leaders have joined with the MRC to DEMAND the media EXPOSE this unprecedented abuse of power. We need you to stand with us to demand action.

Read more here, and take action right now.

Thank you for your timely response to this critical matter. We will keep you updated.


L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President

Media Research Center