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New "crisis" for Obama

Dudley Brown

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July 25, 2013

Obama’s former political director famously said “never let a crisis go to waste” and once again Barack Obama is trying to manufacture a crisis to get more gun control.

Weeks after the verdict in Florida’s George Zimmerman self-defense case, stories of marches, boycotts, and violent racial “retaliation” are still all over the news.

And once again law-abiding gun owners are the target.

The gun-grabbers are doing everything they can to keep the story in the news.  Their pals in the national media are playing right along.

And now you and I learn the U.S. Senate is preparing to move on gun control AGAIN.

That’s why it’s vital you sign your Stand Your Ground Against Gun Control petition IMMEDIATELY.

In the wake of the Zimmerman self-defense trial, President Obama announced a new push to end “gun violence” -- code words for disarming the law-abiding.

And just days ago, United State Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois announced he was preparing to hold Senate hearings on Stand Your Ground Laws all over the country.

These state-level laws simply state that law-abiding citizens can legally defend themselves against criminal attack without having to think twice about retreating.

But I’m afraid these upcoming Senate hearings have less to do with examining state-level self-defense laws, than in forming the foundation for another MASSIVE push for the gun-grabbers’ anti-gun Triple Threat, which includes;

*** Expanded or even universal “background checks” (GUN REGISTRATION).

With these “background check” forms, President Obama and his pals can register, track and trace every firearm in America.  And you and I both know registration is the first step toward outright CONFISCATION;

*** Anti-“Gun Trafficking” legislation.  By imposing outlandish penalties on Second Amendment supporters for selling or giving firearms to “prohibited persons,” this bill is designed to allow ATF agents to terrorize Second Amendment supporters into screaming FOR a national gun registry.

Since the list of prohibited persons includes many veterans and other law-abiding people, the only way for law-abiding gun owners to protect themselves is to ensure that every firearm transfer is first “approved” by the federal government with a national gun registry;

*** “Mental Health” restrictions to strip Americans of their gun rights without adjudication.

Former Surgeon General Steven Galson estimated that 46.4% of Americans experience some sort of mental illness during their lives!

To the gun-grabbers, disarming half of America for life with a simple mental health database within a year or two’s time sounds like a dream come true!

That’s why it’s vital you sign your Stand Your Ground Against Gun Control petition TODAY.

You see, the gun-grabbers’ strategy couldn’t be any more clear.

Their goal is to use these hearings -- along with last year’s Newtown, Connecticut travesty as a propaganda platform for the gun-grabbers and a willing national media content to spout lie after lie about American gun owners.

Without your support, I’m afraid this scheme could very succeed.

When gun control last reached the Senate floor, you and I had literally weeks to mobilize.

This time, with Congress preparing to recess for August, all the gun-grabbers’ horse-trading and behind-the-scenes deal-making will be done while virtually no one is paying attention to Congress.

Once the hearings take place –- and they’ve SMEARED Second Amendment supporters as either bloodthirsty maniacs or ugly RACISTS just looking for an opportunity to legally murder innocents -- Senate Majority Harry Reid can quickly rush his anti-gun Triple Threat back to the Senate floor.

That’s why you and I must prepare RIGHT NOW turning the heat up on the U.S. Senate once again.

The good news is, during the last Senate fight -- thanks to the generous support of Second Amendment supporters like you -- NAGR spent more than $3 million turning up the pressure on Members of Congress.

That’s more than THREE-AND-A-HALF TIMES what any other pro-gun organization -- including the NRA -- devoted to the biggest fight over gun control we’ve seen in a generation.

Thanks to your support, Congress barely knew what hit them.

Passage of gun control was supposed to be a “forgone conclusion,” after all.

But as one U.S. Senator stated:

“[T]he calls literally were before the last day at least seven to one against [gun control].  This was after a series of very extensive ad campaigns done in my state saying call me and tell me to support it.”

And we can’t wait.

If we do, I’m afraid we’ll be sitting ducks.

So please sign your Stand Your Ground Against Gun Control petition today.

And if you can, please agree to chip in at least $20 at once.

You and I could only have a few weeks until this gun control fight rears its head.

So along with your chip in contribution of $10 or $20, will you help me alert Second Amendment supporters to the threat we’re facing and mobilize them to turn the heat up on the Senate.

But it’s critical you act at once.

Whether it’s trying to take advantage of a horrific tragedy, or using a simple case of self-defense to drum up racial and anti-gun hysteria, you and I have seen the lengths the gun-grabbers will go to ram their schemes into law.

So it’s absolutely critical you act TODAY.

Please sign your Stand Your Ground Against Gun Control petition IMMEDIATELY and agree to chip in at least $10 or $20 at once.

Thank you so much for your support.

For Freedom,


Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

P.S. Just days ago, United State Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois announced he was preparing to hold Senate hearings on Stand Your Ground Laws all over the country.

But I’m afraid these upcoming Senate hearings have less to do with examining state-level self-defense laws, than in forming the foundation for another MASSIVE push for the gun-grabbers’ anti-gun schemes.

That’s why it’s vital you sign your Stand Your Ground Against Gun Control petition IMMEDIATELY and agree to chip in at least $10 or $20 at once!

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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