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IRS scandal moving ever closer to White House

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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July 22, 2013

With each new revelation, the intensifying IRS scandal is closer to landing on the White House doorstep.    
According to CNS News, “one day after a meeting was held by IRS officials to discuss the handling of Tea Party applications, an appointment was made for William J. Wilkins, head of the IRS Chief Counsel’s Office to meet at the White House.” 
Wilkins is one of two Obama appointees to the IRS.  
Now that testimony has established another clear link between the targeting of conservative groups and the office of the IRS Chief Counsel in Washington, DC, the entire administration cover story is unraveling fast. 
++The administration desperately wants this scandal to go away. 
* Why were there over 100 meetings between the IRS commissioner and the white House during the period in question?
* Why was President Obama’s political operative, Stephanie Cutter, included in meetings with the IRS?
* Why did the IRS Chief Counsel, an Obama political appointee, insist on being a part of the determination decisions on Tea Party and other conservative applicants, contrary to normal procedure?
During hearings held by the House Oversight Committee last week, rather than deal with the facts of the matter, Democrat lawmakers chose to use the occasion to attack the integrity of the Inspector General!  
Meanwhile, the liberal lapdog media is chanting, “There’s nothing to see here – move along.” 
The familiar liberal tactics of “accuse; diminish; silence” are being used to try to sweep the intensifying IRS scandal under the rug.  But the IRS abuse has been so widespread and so egregious that it is becoming clear that the management culture of that agency is totally corrupt.
As this scandal is moving ever more closely to the White House, the question is, “when will the truth emerge from the Obama administration?” The answer is, “probably never” unless we hold our elected officials feet to the fire and demand action by way of a complete investigation!  
We know this much for certain: Americans’ rights were trampled and the 2012 elections were manipulated because of the illegal actions of a powerful federal agency. 
Now, Americans must learn who authorized what and when they did so! 
++Important petition delivery tomorrow.
P a signer of our powerful the petition to expose IRS abuse, you know how critical this message is.  
Peggy Noonan, author and former advisor to President Reagan, call the IRS news a “bombshell”! 
This allegation now directly ties the Washington, DC, IRS office to the targeting of conservative groups, which is certainly contrary to prior IRS official testimony – and once again reveals the potential of higher-level involvement than has been previously admitted.
I am thankful that CNS News is one of the few outlets keeping the news stream alive. Clearly, the mainstream media news outlets are intentionally downplaying the scandal. This is a classic strategy from the Obama playbook. 
That’s why our petition and the attention it will garner is so important, and why I greatly appreciate your having joined us.  But we need a lot more signers to have the best impact we can.  
Please help us spread the word any way you can – through e-mail, social media, or word of mouth.  Every added signature increases the message’s impact!  
Also, if you haven’t already ordered your special bumper sticker, In God We Trust: Not Big Brother, please do so today!  


Click here to learn more about this special offer specifically for faithful friends of Liberty Counsel: 
Help us however you can to reach as many people as possible in the few remaining hours we have before this delivery tomorrow! 
God bless you and thank you for taking this vital action with us!  
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. This scandal is encircling the White House. I believe we are just beginning to scratch the surface of uncovering the depth and height of illegal IRS involvement in manipulating conservative organizations during an election cycle.  
Please help us spread the word that tomorrow we will once again deliver tens of thousands of petitions to congressional leaders as a reminder of their duties. 
I hope you’ll take a minute today to order your “In God We Trust: Not Big Brother” sticker.  


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776