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New evidence of IRS corruption emerges

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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The IRS scandal isn’t going away quietly, much to the dismay of the Obama administration.



New allegations have emerged that may implicate involvement by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice with the IRS corruption.


And key players in the Internal Revenue Services’ targeting of conservative groups will be in the hot seat on Capitol Hill again this week.  Please see my important update below – Mat.


The Treasury Department, the bureau in which the IRS is administratively housed, has admitted the IRS inappropriately accessed and scrutinized the tax records of political candidates and donors during the time frame targeting of conservative groups took place.



It has also come to light that when the Department of Justice (DOJ) was notified of these illegal actions, the DOJ swept it under the rug and refused to prosecute.  


In a recent letter to Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), J. Russell George, the Inspector General with IRS jurisdiction, revealed that IRS officials engaged in “unauthorized access or disclosure of tax records of political donors or candidates.”


In a related letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Senator Grassley questioned whether the DOJ decision to not prosecute was “politically motivated,” demanding to know who made the decision and why.


It is increasingly clear that the IRS’ mission has been highly politicized under the Obama administration and that Attorney General Eric Holder has been aware of, if not complicit with, the IRS corruption.


++IRS “key players” called to the Hill.


Additional IRS employees have been called to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in their effort to uncover how high up the chain of command the orders originated to target conservative groups – and how the employees were directed to comply with their superiors’ wishes.  



Committee Chairman Darrel Issa (R-CA) has been relentless in the investigation into the IRS abuse of power and is to be commended.  But the nation needs much more to be done to expose and prosecute those responsible for such egregious violations of the public trust!



Conservative organizations were victims of profound intrusion, intentional delays, and overt politicization by a federal agency whose actions were designed to impact elections.



No federal agency enjoys more power than the Internal Revenue Service.  It is little wonder, then, that under this power-drunk administration that holds the Constitution’s checks and balances in disdain, the IRS has become a hammer to this president’s favorite nail: political dissent to his leftist agenda.


Together, we must stand on behalf of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. We must stand against government overreach and tyranny. We must continue to advance the conservative values that are the core principles that made America a great nation!


We must continue our call for a thorough investigation by Congress, including the establishment of a Special Counsel to completely expose the IRS abuses.


We must never back down to the leftist bullies who seek to destroy our system of government and undermine our rights as Americans.


Because of your active participation in our powerful “Investigate The IRS” campaign, I want you to have two special bumper stickers that boldly proclaim: In God We Trust: Not Big Brother.






Click here to learn more about this special offer specifically for faithful friends of Liberty Counsel:


God bless you and thank you for taking this vital action with us!  


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. Thank you again for participating in this important campaign. At an upcoming strategic moment, we will be once again deliver tens of thousands of petitions to congressional leaders as a reminder of their duties. I hope you’ll take a minute today to secure your “In God We Trust: Not Big Brother” stickers.



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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776