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Adam Kokesh arrested in military-style raid on his home; hallucinogenic mushrooms obviously planted by the cops

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July 10, 2013

(NaturalNews) Adam Kokesh is once again in police custody, this time being charged with the felony possession of schedule I or schedule II drugs while in possession of a firearm. The "drugs" in this case are reportedly hallucinogenic mushrooms, which the police claim they found at his home.

But here's where the story falls apart. Adam Kokesh knew he was going to be raided after posting a video where he loads a shotgun on Pennsylvania Avenue. The carrying of a firearm in D.C. is currently illegal under D.C. laws, but those laws are themselves illegal as the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled them unconstitutional. The D.C. (District of Criminals) has chosen to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court, an act which is itself illegal. So Adam Kokesh's actions on video -- which threatened no one and harmed no one -- were perfectly legal under the law of the land (the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court).

Kokesh fully expected to be raided after posting this video. He is attempting to create a "Rosa Parks" test of civil liberties to answer the question: will gun owners be treated like blacks used to be treated, thrown to the back of the bus and oppressed because they assert their Second Amendment rights?

D.C. police then conducted a military-style armed raid on Kokesh's home, bringing armored assault vehicles, helicopters and a group of armed men wearing full assault gear. This alone proves Kokesh's point that we live in a tyrannical police state. Remember, journalist David Gregory brought an illegal 30-round magazine onto the studio set and produced it on live television, but was NOT prosecuted for any crime. Yet when Adam Kokesh loads a shotgun on camera, he gets his house raided by paramilitary police force complete with armored vehicles.

But here's the really interesting part: Police claim they found hallucinogenic mushrooms at his property, too.


Mushrooms were obviously planted there by police

Let me be the first to state the obvious in all this: there is almost zero chance that Adam Kokesh had hallucinogenic mushrooms at his residence, knowing full well that a police raid was imminent following his shotgun video.

It's the oldest police trick in the book: drop a bag of cocaine (or whatever) on the scene, and charge the victim with a felony crime. They knew Kokesh had firearms, and they also knew that "discovering" schedule I drugs in his possession at the same time he possessed a firearm could land Kokesh in prison for two years (or more). So it was a simple matter to bring some drugs on the raid, drop them on the floor and then seize them as "evidence."

Am I saying the cops in Fairfax County are dirty? You bet I am. Dirtier than the politicians, and that's already filthy to the core.

Not all cops are bad, mind you. There are plenty of good, honest cops in America, and I've been a long-time supporter of honest, local law enforcement. (We need 'em!) But in this case, it's almost a certainty that these drugs were planted on Kokesh.

Kokesh is a polarizing activist

None of this, by the way, means I totally agree with everything Kokesh is doing. I strongly disagree with Kokesh on the issue of GMO labeling (he thinks GMOs should not be labeled at all). I also think he goes too far with his rhetoric, making direct threats against the United States government and practically begging to be charged with serious federal crimes.

Although I would like to see many of the same changes in America that Kokesh espouses, I tend to advocate non-violent means of accomplishing them. Even when it comes to gun rights, the truth is that most American gun owners are high-integrity, non-violent individuals who only turn to violence as a very last resort. We (the gun owners of America) are not trying to stir up fights. We are not running around saying we're going to overthrow the government. We're the kind of people who tend to walk away from fights, or who stop them from escalating in the first place. Yes, we are activists, but we abhor bloodshed and hope to restore the Republic without invoking such violence.

Frankly, I think it's more than a bit self-contradictory to walk around Washington talking about peace while angrily loading a shotgun on camera, as Kokesh did. As much as he has the legal right to do so -- and should not be arrested for it -- I think our causes get more traction with a more peaceful activism approach.

For better or for worse, Adam Kokesh has succeeded in antagonizing the police in the D.C. area. This may be the opening salvo of something that become an important milestone in American history; or it might be the last we hear of Kokesh as he sits in federal prison for a few years, serving time for being set up for a crime he almost certainly did not commit.

It's hard to predict how this all plays out, of course, but as much as I don't fully agree with Kokesh's tactics, I nevertheless support his right to express his free speech without federal interference. I think Kokesh was targeted and set up with a phony drug charge in order to get him off the internet and shut down his free speech.

Because while loading a shotgun on Pennsylvania Avenue might be seen by many people as a dangerous thing, the truth is that Kokesh's free speech was the real danger to the globalist elite who currently occupy the U.S. government. They hate people who openly challenge their authority.

Will they forcibly medicate Kokesh?

Now comes the real question: Are they going to forcibly medicate Kokesh and steal his sanity next? Will they commit him to a psychiatric facility and perform a chemical lobotomy?

Kokesh is in real danger at this point of being victimized by the government at a much deeper level. Look at what they did to James Holmes, the alleged Batman movie theater shooter in Colorado. They've had that guy on tranquilizers and psych meds from day one, and they're threatening to shoot him up with "truth serum" to force him to testify that he shots those victims.

There's no real justice in the U.S. justice system anymore. The sad truth is that hundreds of thousands of innocent people are rotting in U.S. prisons right now, guilty of no real crime. Let us hope that Adam Kokesh is not forced to join them.