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TAKE ACTION - Contact Your Members of Congress

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July 9, 2013

While we’re all focused on the day-to-day efficiency and operations of our programs, the Meals On Wheels Association of America is also busy tracking and speaking out <>  on the national issues that will shape our futures. In the days and weeks ahead, Congress will debate key issues that could directly affect the health and wellbeing of America’s seniors. We can help influence our future outcomes and speed our progress toward ending senior hunger if we leverage the power of our collective voice. Please read on and learn more about what you can do to help.

Key Legislative Issues and Advocacy Materials

There are two main legislative issues that have great potential to impact our programs. They are:

1. Threats to Federal Funding

2. Modifications to the Tax Code


Federal Funding – Threats to Reduce Federal Funding Impact ALL Programs Whether your program receives federal funding through the Older Americans Act (OAA), or is entirely privately funded, all are likely to feel the effects of sequestration. Fewer federal resources will have a direct impact on the number of seniors able to receive meals and will strain an already limited donor-base. At the same time, other non profit organizations are also being impacted and seeking a share of the shrinking revenue pie. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP


  1. Send a letter to your Members of Congress. Find your U.S. Representatives <>  and Senators <>  and use this sample letter <>  to get started.

2. Call your Members of Congress. Explain that Congress should be investing and increasing funding for OAA Nutrition Programs–not cutting back at a time when they are needed most. Today, the Senate Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee  took an important step forward and approved a FY14 appropriations bill <> . This measure, which would provide funding for OAA Nutrition Programs at FY12 levels, will be considered by the Full Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday. So calling your Senators tomorrow, especially if he or she sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, is critical. Click here <>  for our Key Committee Guide.

3. Invite your Members of Congress to dedicate a day of their August break to deliver meals with your program.

4. Take part in the Paper Plate Campaign <> . Last month, the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) initiated a “Don’t Empty My Plate Campaign.” To participate, ask congregate and/or home-delivered meal recipients to write messages on paper plates stating how important your services are to them. Then deliver or send them to your Members of Congress’ offices. 


#2: The Tax Code – Modifications Impacting Charities Key Republican and Democratic leaders in both the House and the Senate are committed to reforming and simplifying our nation’s tax system. While we remain opposed to any proposals that would limit or reduce the charitable tax deduction, we believe this bipartisan, bicameral approach presents a opportunity for favorable changes that would benefit Meals on Wheels programs and volunteers. One example is increasing the charitable mileage reimbursement rate. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP

  1. Call or email your U.S. Representative(s) and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 1212, the Charitable Driving Tax Relief Act. Be sure to call every office in your program’s service area. View a sample script here <> .
  2. Familiarize yourself with the issue through:
  3.  - Reading our letter of support <>
  4.  - Reading the legislation  <>