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The death toll is rising -- help end Iceland's whale slaughter now

NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council

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July 9, 2013

Icelandic whalers continue to hunt and kill endangered fin whales -- and they show no signs of slowing down. Please make an emergency donation to help NRDC fight for the strongest possible economic sanctions, aimed at ending this senseless slaughter of whales once and for all. Thank you.



Icelandic whalers have killed and butchered at least 17 fin whales in the last month. Tragically, they will not be the last.

After a two-year hiatus, that nation has resumed its illegal whale hunt and announced plans to kill up to 184 fin whales this season alone.

Please make an emergency donation so that NRDC can fight for urgently-needed economic sanctions and protect these endangered creatures from senseless slaughter.

Your gift will help us mobilize a public outcry and launch a media campaign that calls on President Obama to make Iceland pay a price -- at long last -- for its years of illegal whaling.

Those sanctions must be targeted at companies with ties to Iceland’s whaling industry: the seafood, shipping and retail businesses that drive the demand and trade in whale meat.

History has proven that nothing less than economic sanctions will get Iceland’s attention.

In 2011, in response to pressure from activists like you, President Obama imposed diplomatic sanctions on Iceland for its hunting of fin whales.

But Iceland just thumbed its nose at those measures and has gone back to business as usual, killing magnificent and endangered whales.

Enough is enough. We must ratchet up the pressure right now. But we need your help.

Your support will enable us to generate public pressure on the White House ... expose the truth about Iceland’s illegal whaling in the media ... and make the strongest possible case for tough trade sanctions -- all aimed at forcing Iceland to call off its whale hunt for good.

With your help we will defend whales and our environment in the most effective way possible.

The next fin whale could be killed at any time. We’re counting on Members like you -- people who care deeply about protecting whales -- to join us in coming to their defense. Please let me know you will help. Thank you.

It’s time for Iceland to pay a price for its illegal whale hunt. Stop Iceland’s Illegal Whaling

Iceland has just resumed illegal whaling -- and could kill up to 184 endangered fin whales this season alone. Please make an urgent donation to help NRDC win economic sanctions and stop the slaughter of whales for profit!




Frances Beinecke


Natural Resources Defense Council