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Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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jULY 6, 2013

Egypt is currently at a dangerous crossroads which could evolve towards a civil war.

It is important to understand Washington’s role, which is carried out by the Pentagon and US intelligence.


While the Armed Forces have cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood,  the Coup d’Etat is ultimately intended to manipulate the protest movement and prevent the accession of a “real people’s government”. 

The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian Armed forces was not carried out against US interests, it was instigated to ensure “continuity” on behalf of Washington.  Defense Minister General Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi who was behind the Coup d’Etat directed against President Morsi was in permanent liaison by telephone with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel  from the very outset of the protest movement. Press reports confirm that he consulted him several times in the days leading up to the Coup d’Etat.  It is highly unlikely that General Al Sisi would have acted without a ‘green light” from the Pentagon.

The Muslim Brotherhood government was supported by the US from the outset.  At the same time important sectors of the protest movement directed against the Brotherhood were also supported by the US,  through US  foundations,  including the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House. The Kifaya movement, which organized one of the first protests directed against the Mubarak regime in late 2004, and which is currently involved in the movement against the Brotherhood is supported by the US based International Center for Non-Violent Conflict

These actions by US foundations linked to the US State Department ensure that the US funded civil society opposition will not  address the broader issue of foreign interference in the affairs of a sovereign state.


The US supports both sides with a view to creating divisions within Egyptian society as well as political chaos.