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Morsi ousted: LIVE UPDATES

RT (Russia Today)

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July 2, 2013

Security forces watch over protesters, who support former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, during clashes outside the Republican Guard building in Cairo July 5, 2013.(Reuters / Asmaa Waguih)

President Mohamed Morsi was removed from office and detained by the Egyptian military, who announced the constitution is suspended and new presidential elections will be held. Mass celebrations erupted across the country following the news.

16:30 GMT: Badie is speaking of his pride in Morsi's leadership and the strength of the Brotherhood.

Military helicopters are flying very low overhead.  "Our bare chests are stronger than bullets," he said

Badie has vowed to continue the protests until President Morsi is restored to full power, and has said he is ready to reach an understanding with the army providing they meet this request.

16:20 GMT: The Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Leader, Mohammed Badie, is to speak at a pro-Morsi rally shortly. He was freed from detention on Thursday, according to some reports.

16:00 GMT: The Muslim brotherhood announced that it would not cooperate with Egypt’s “raped” government, saying that it calls on its allies to do the same. Issam al-Aryani made the comments in front of a crowd in Cairo. He also  told supporters to continue protesting and “stay in the squares,”according to Al Arabiya.

15:45 GMT: Egyptian armed forces declared on Friday that they would not permit acts of revenge between rival factions to take place ahead of further rallies planned by Morsi supporters. The announcement also forbade assaults of party offices and public properties.

The armed forces advised against “falling into an endless circle of revenge,” on Facebook, saying it was eager to steer clear of any arbitrary measures against a faction or political movement.

15:10 GMT: The interim head of state, Adly Mansour, has dissolved the Shura, the upper-house of Egypt's Islamist-led Parliament and appointed a new head of intelligence.

Only the Shura remained after the lower house was dissolved by military-led authorities a year ago. The Shura does not usually legislate but had taken up the role following the dissolution.

General Mohammed al-Tahami is now chief of operations, replacing Morsi-appointed Mohamed Raafat Shehata, according to state TV, which reported the constitutional decree.

13:25 GMT: The director of Al Jazeera's Egypt service has been set free.