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There can yet be a 'New Birth of Liberty'

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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June 29, 2013


Together, we MUST stop the ultraliberal, morally deficient political machine that is grinding America under its heel!

Take heart – there is still hope for a New Birth of Liberty in 2013!  Please read my important message below – Mat.

Earlier this week, the United States Supreme Court did not go so far as to redefine marriage.  But its judicial activism set the table for forthcoming lawsuits to do just that.


Tragically, radical activists have discovered a mechanism through which they can overthrow the will of a majority of American citizens as they did to California voters when Proposition 8 bit the dust.

If the Court attempts to redefine marriage – and the stage is now set for it to do so – there will be no limitation on how hideously disfigured “marriage” can ultimately become under our nation’s positive law. 

As Justice Scalia asked in his scathing dissenting opinion to the DOMA ruling, where will the Court stop?

++This is raw judicial activism at its worst.


President Obama’s two appointees to the High Court, Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both ruled in favor of the pro-homosexual position.  No surprise there, but it clearly illustrates the increasing success of Obama’s plan to subvert the federal judiciary.  


Barack Obama is one Supreme Court appointee away from taking us to a completely unrecognizable America. He has been systematically stacking the federal courts with activist judges for nearly five years now, some of whom have actually called the Constitution “toxic.


The Obama kind of judges are those who will rule according to a transnational legal system instructed by a politically correct social agenda.

++Last year’s ObamaCare ruling illustrates the point.


One year ago today, the Supreme Court shocked the nation when Chief Justice Roberts apparently switched his opinion and the Court outrageously ruled that ObamaCare was constitutional.

ObamaCare is slated to complete the takeover of our world-class healthcare system in January 2014.

At this point, we all know that the Affordable Care Act is NOT affordable…


ObamaCare will ultimately lead to the demise of healthcare services in our nation, the flight of quality physicians, the closure of small medical practices due to complicated compliance requirements, the implementation of death panels, the continued assault on rights of conscience, expanded abortion services, and the socialist takeover of one of nation’s largest industries and employers.

Yet, there is still hope. As you doubtless know, we await the ruling from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals any day now in our ongoing fight to have ObamaCare struck down.


We have the most advanced case in the nation against ObamaCare on issues the High Court didn’t rule on in their first review.  I believe that no matter how the Fourth Circuit rules, this case will ultimately be heard by the Supreme Court and I expect an entirely different outcome than 2012’s decision. 


++Liberty Counsel is a leading national force for a return to sanity in our civil government.


In the midst of these ever-increasing attacks on our shared values, Liberty Counsel has continually pressed forward to advance liberty, life, and family. 


And our strategic lobbying and public policy work is rallying hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans every month to have a major positive impact on legislatures and other deliberative and regulatory bodies.


The fact is, Liberty Counsel is fighting at the epicenter of the battle for the soul of America.


Your thoughtful gifts to Liberty Counsel are actually strategic investments in the future of our nation, our communities, and our individual families. 


Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the rise of Big Government, radical pro-homosexual forces, and the attacks of the ACLU and other activist legal groups?


We depend on friends who give $20, $30, $50, $100 – whatever the Lord leads – so we can stay involved in these crucial battles.


Please help with an immediate gift. Click here to make your tax-deductible donation:


There is still hope. Although we face the most severe assault on our core values in Liberty Counsel’s 24-year history, I see a mighty God who is far greater than the giants we face.


Behind every apparent adversity there is opportunity – because, with God, all things are possible. Therefore, we must remain faithful and press forward!


That’s why I’m asking for your help right now. I am calling upon you and thousands of others to make a special tax-deductible gift at this time so Liberty Counsel can continue our aggressive strategy to bring forth “A New Birth of Liberty in 2013” and close fiscal year 2012 -2013 on firm financial footing.


Please click here to make your donation:


THANK YOU, as always, for all you do as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team.  May God bless you!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. We must rise up to meet the challenges that lay ahead. This is a call to active citizenship!  There is still hope! Your support helps us mobilize and fight for the soul of our nation.


Please, consider a special gift to empower Liberty Counsel to continue fighting on behalf of life, liberty, and family. Again, thank you!

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+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776