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IRS getting national backlash

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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June 20, 2013


Yesterday, thousands of Americans attended the “Audit the IRS” rally in front of the U.S. Capitol.  Conservative leaders from both chambers of Congress and other notable speakers electrified the crowd and gave focus to the growing sense of outrage at the IRS’s politicization.   

Coinciding with the event, Liberty Counsel delivered our “Investigate the IRS” petitions to five key leaders in Congress, including the chairmen of congressional committees involved in the oversight of the IRS or the investigation into their flagrant abuse of power.  Attached were almost 65,000 signatures on the petition!


Because our campaign is getting national attention, I want to reiterate how important it is that you make your voice heard!  Please see my important message below – Mat.

On Wednesday, Senator Ted Cruz called for the abolishment of the IRS. 
The outrage against the IRS resounded all over Capitol Hill! 
Intentionally targeted by IRS agents, victims from conservative organizations told their stories of profound intrusion, intentional delays, and overt politicization by a federal agency whose actions were calibrated to impact elections.
No federal agency has more power than the “absolute power” wielded by the Internal Revenue Service. It’s little wonder, then, that under the Obama regime the IRS has become “corrupted absolutely.” 
As liberty-loving Americans, we will not be intimidated or threatened by IRS abuses. Together, we will stand on behalf of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. We will stand against government overreach and tyranny. We will continue to advance the conservative values that are the core principles upon which America was founded!  
We will continue to call for a complete investigation by Congress, including the establishment of a Special Counsel to completely expose the IRS abuses.
We are proud patriots and will not back down to leftist bullies who seek to destroy our system of government and undermine our unalienable rights!  
I am grateful for your participation and for you having been counted among those courageous citizens who boldly took a stand against IRS abuse!
Our petition will continue to build in size and impact – and be delivered again at a strategic time.  We intend to remind congressional leaders of their duties until these issues are fully resolved!  
++Enlightened Americans are saying “Enough is enough!”
We know the truth: Barack Obama was threatened by the rising impact of conservative Americans and his administration went to work on his behalf to suppress our voices and votes. 
The IRS’ targeting of conservative groups likely secured Barack Obama’s reelection. 
We must not allow that to happen again in 2014 or any other future election! 
Because of your active participation in this powerful “Investigate The IRS” campaign, I want you to have a special bumper sticker to display wherever you go: “In God We Trust: Not Big Brother.” 
Click here to learn more about this special offer specifically for the faithful friends of Liberty Counsel:
God bless you and thank you for taking this patriotic action!  
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Thank you again for your participation in this important campaign! We will be once again delivered petitions to congressional leaders as a reminder of their duties following their upcoming recess. I hope you’ll take a minute today to secure your “In God We Trust: Not Big Brother” sticker.


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL