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Monsanto Video Revolt announced: Join the uprising by posting your video everywhere on July 24, 2013

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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June 18, 2013

(NaturalNews) Following the hugely successful March Against Monsanto which put the biotech industry on notice that the world's citizens will not tolerate being poisoned, polluted and enslaved by the biotech industry, a new event has now been announced: The Monsanto Video Revolt.

To participate, simply create a video -- any video -- talking about opposition to Monsanto, GMOs or glyphosate. Then upload it to as many video sites as possible on July 24th.

Title your video "Monsanto Video Revolt" followed by whatever words you want to add to the title. You'll be joining many thousands of other people who are also uploading their revolt videos on the same day. If you want to make sure you video doesn't get censored by YouTube, upload it to which is run by Natural News!

Natural News will be covering the event, highlighting the best videos of the day and reporting every few hours on the participation. Get more details at


The media will not be able to deny the power of grassroots activism

Why join the revolt? Because this is our way to make sure the mainstream media cannot ignore this grassroots action.

Remember how the media pretended the March Against Monsanto never even happened? Well, thanks to automatic algorithms powering search engines and internet trends, a mass of people all uploading videos on the same day -- with the same three words in the title -- will trigger automatic news coverage across the 'net.

Everyone from the Huffington Post to Google News will be forced to cover this event, and the videos will reach tens of millions of viewers around the globe.

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