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Why are't people protesting? They are - by the millions -

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June 16, 2013

So now that we know Homeland Security has designated, returning vets, homeschoolers, tea party members, libertarians, Caholics, evangelicals, Constitutionalist as the new domestic terrorist threat, it's only a matter of time that these folks will feel the wrath of a government that will not tolerate decent.  Maybe that's the reason they want your guns??? 

  We told you years ago, the "War on Terror" was a war on you, NOT some radical Islamists, who by the way are funded by the CIA, that were made the scapegoat like the Jews were used in Germany to implement there form of police state.

-----Original Message-----

From: "CV

To: "ChasVoice" <>

Subject: Good guys: Why are't people protesting?

Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 12:24:38 -0400


It should be clear to all that politicians pay no heed to the wishes of demonstrations or voters.

They are installed in office by forces much more powerful that their citizenry.