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Americans are uniting against the IRS assaults!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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June 13, 2013




A recent poll revealed some disturbing findings for the IRS and the federal government. Plus, they reflect changing opinions toward President Obama and his administration’s “trustworthiness.”



Please see my important update below – Mat


Over 76 percent of Americans now believe it will take a Special Prosecutor to unveil the once stealth IRS actions against conservative organizations and people – including us at Freedom Federation, which includes Liberty Counsel.


Here are a few of Quinnipiac’s University’s recent findings, which show that Americans across the political spectrum support the call for a thorough investigation into the IRS by an independent prosecutor…



"American voters say 76 - 17 percent, including 63 - 30 percent among Democrats, that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate charges the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.



Support for an independent prosecutor to probe the IRS issue is 88 - 6 percent among Republicans and 78 - 17 percent among independent voters…



Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said,  'There is overwhelming bipartisan support for a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS. Voters apparently don't like the idea of Attorney General Eric Holder investigating the matter himself, perhaps because they don't exactly think highly of him. Holder gets a negative 23 - 39 percent job approval rating.’”





++President Obama’s ratings are also dropping


Also according to the poll President Obama’s approval ratings have dropped into negative territory and…

“Americans are divided 49 - 47 percent on whether Obama is honest and trustworthy, down from 58 - 37 percent, the last time Quinnipiac University asked the question September 1, 2011.”





And, as for the federal government…

“Only 3 percent of voters trust the federal government to do the right thing almost all the time, while 12 percent say they trust it most of the time; 47 percent say some of the time and 36 percent hardly ever.”


These are scathing indictments against the IRS, President Obama, Eric Holder and the radicalized leadership put in place by Obama in the federal government.


It’s no wonder that public sentiment is turning. The Obama IRS has been illegally targeting conservative, Christian and pro-Israel groups and individuals for political retaliation, intimidation, silencing and, ultimately, destruction.


These revelations have spurred calls for criminal prosecution and even impeachment.


As you may know, on Tuesday afternoon Liberty Counsel delivered our “Investigate the IRS” petitions to five leaders in Congress, including the chairmen of congressional committees involved in the oversight of the IRS or the investigation into their flagrant abuse of power.  


Attached were over 52,000 signatures on the petition, including yours!


Now, I need your additional help in our call for a complete investigation by Congress and the establishment of a Special Counsel to completely expose the IRS abuses.


I believe our best hope is to demand that Congress take action and investigate the IRS – and all the way UP! As was pointed out earlier, the only way we will trust any findings is through the appointment of a Special Counsel. We must pressure the members of the involved congressional committees to take this appropriate action! Please, fax Congress today and demand action!


This is a patriot’s call to action! God bless you and thank you for taking action with us!  


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. No federal agency enjoys more power than the “absolute power” wielded by the Internal Revenue Service. IRS agents harassed conservative nonprofit groups and even provided their confidential donor lists to opposing liberal groups.


Americans are fed up with the overreaching federal government!


Please call on Congress to launch a full-out investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative organizations during an election cycle – and heed our call for the appointment of a Special Counsel.






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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776