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Stop Big Oil from fracking our natural heritage

Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council

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June 7, 2013

The Obama Administration is poised to let fracking operations run roughshod over our national forests, wildlife refuges and other magnificent public lands -- unless we intervene right now!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has just released a set of rules for fracking on our public lands that reads like an industry wish list.

Please raise your own voice in protest.

Tell BLM to go back to the drawing board and protect our natural heritage from dangerous oil and gas fracking.

At stake here are some of the wildest places that you and I have fought to protect: Colorado’s Roan Plateau, New Mexico’s Otero Mesa, Wyoming’s Red Desert, and many more.

The proposed rules, which will govern fracking on millions of acres of public lands, will not put any of those spectacular lands off-limits to fracking!

Communities around the country have already experienced the devastating impacts of rampant fracking: polluted air, poisoned rivers and devastated landscapes.

We must not let Big Oil go on a binge of fracking that could ravage our national forests, wildlife refuges and other irreplaceable public lands.

Tell the Obama Administration to put our most sensitive wildlands off-limits to fracking and rein in this dangerous practice elsewhere.

Thank you for taking action to defend our natural heritage.



Frances Beinecke


Natural Resources Defense Council