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The government has forgotten its place

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Jlune 7, 2013


One brave American told Congress this week that the government has forgotten its place. That statement has never applied to any presidency in the course of American history more than the Obama administration. 
As the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups was initially being investigated, the Inspector General also exposed millions of dollars spent in lavish conferences over that same two-year timeframe.  Obama’s IRS has demonstrated breathtaking arrogance and condescension toward the public they are charged to serve!
Please see my very important call to action below – Mat.
The IRS held 225 conferences at a estimated cost to taxpayers of over $40 million, including lavish Las Vegas jaunts at luxury hotel-casinos, during the bureau’s “targeting” years of 2010-2012 according to the recently released Inspector General’s report.  
This is yet another example of “government gone wild” under Barack Obama’s failed presidency.  It turns out that the IRS has regularly wasted millions of our taxpayer dollars on luxurious junkets for bureaucrats.  Of course, these decisions were influenced by the management environment under the nation’s Chief Executive.    
++Americans are not “serfs or vassals” to their government!
This Tuesday, there were a number of powerful testimonies presented to the House Ways and Means Committee by leaders of organizations who were maliciously targeted by the IRS.  
Today, IRS executives were before Darrel Issa’s Oversight Committee, mostly answering for the blatant misspending of taxpayer funds.  Hopefully, IRS managers are being slapped back into reality!
Perhaps the best “reality check” for the IRS this week came from a witness exposing the targeting scandal…
Becky Gerritson, president of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, was resoundingly applauded after her remarkable depiction of what she endured personally and on behalf of the organization she leads. But her most hard-hitting comments were directed toward elected officials and bureaucrats… 
“I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I’m not begging my lords for mercy. I’m a born free American woman – wife, mother, and citizen. And I’m telling my government that you've forgotten your place. It is not your responsibility to look out for my wellbeing and to monitor my speech. It’s not your right to assert an agenda. 
Your post, the post that you occupy, exists to preserve American liberty. You’ve sworn to perform that duty, and you have faltered. The abuses I will discuss today occurred on your watch.  It is your responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
Becky Gerritson got it right! She is an American citizen boldly standing on constitutional principles and taking the United States government to task for abusing her rights!  
Yours and my rights were also abused when the Obama IRS delayed Freedom Federation’s application for tax-exempt status and demanded answers to unreasonable questions in order for the application to proceed.
Clearly, the overtly politicized IRS was trying to intimidate us into dropping the request entirely!
++Fax Congress now and demand that an Independent Counsel (aka, “Special Prosecutor”) be established to hold accountable every government official in the IRS’s abuse of power!  
Liberty Counsel’s Fax Barrage will deliver your faxes to your two senators, your representative, as well as the House and Senate leadership (up to 13 faxes in all) with other options for an even greater impact. 
Click here to schedule your faxes.  Everything you need is one click away: 
++The downward spiral of “trust” in the Obama administration.
According to a recent report from The…
“A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released late Tuesday shows 55 percent believe the IRS targeting of conservative groups raised questions about the administration’s ‘overall honesty and integrity.’”
Fifty-eight percent say the administration’s handling of the Benghazi Consulate attack also raises questions about the honesty of the White House.  
The same number say the Justice Department’s subpoenaing of reporter email and phone records in national security leak investigations also raises concerns. 
The scandals rocking American’s trust in this administration warrant a massive public outcry!  
The IRS abuses during an election cycle, Benghazi-gate, the seizing of reporter email – all of which were preceded by the Fast and Furious scandal and the corruption surrounding the passage of ObamaCare – are all symptoms of an out of control government.  A government that has forgotten its place, as Becky Gerritson so appropriately called it.
Join me in calling on Congress to appoint a Special Prosecutor to examine the IRS’s abuse of power and to hold those responsible accountable. The will of the people must not be arrogantly dismissed. Please go here to schedule your faxes to Congress today: 
My legal team at Liberty Counsel is also determining our own course of action against the IRS in response to the revelation that they targeted Freedom Federation (FF), an organization I founded a few years ago. 
Thank you for taking action with me today in our unified call for a special investigation.
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. I have postponed our petition delivery to Capitol Hill until we eclipse 50,000 signatures. Right now, we have a little over 43,000 signers – and I very much would like to deliver 50,000 names to Congress in our first flight. Consider asking your likeminded friends to join us in this campaign!   
Patrick, our individual rights are being targeted by our own government! We must oppose this tyranny and take action!  Please fax Congress today! 


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776