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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Is the proverbial fox guarding the hen house? The White House says there is absolutely no need for a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS abuses – but an overwhelming majority of Americans strongly disagree. 
Please see my important call to action below – Mat.
Sunday on ABC’s This Week, a longtime advisor to President Obama, David Plouffe, offhandedly rejected the call for a special investigator to be appointed to probe the IRS’ egregious abuses toward conservative organizations and individuals during the 2012 election cycle. 
“You had Treasury undertaking the IRS, a 30-day review… this is going to be looked into thoroughly, as it should be.”
“Treasury undertaking the IRS”? The IRS is a subordinate bureau of the Department of Treasury!  No good can possibly come from a federal agency investigating itself – particularly within the demonstrably corrupt Obama administration. 
Of course, there are now several congressional committees investigating within their scope of authority – but even that’s simply not enough. 
The egregious violations that took place by the IRS against Tea Party and conservative organizations (including our own Freedom Federation!) during one of the most pivotal elections in our nation’s history must be fully investigated by an Independent Counsel/Special Prosecutor!  
We are calling for a complete investigation by Congress, including the establishment of an Independent Counsel, to completely expose the IRS abuses.  
++Petition delivery Wednesday to Capitol Hill!  
We will deliver our first round of petitions to Congress on Wednesday, which means I must have your name added by the end of the day on Tuesday if you are to be included. Right now, we have almost 40,000 signers – and I very much would like to deliver 50,000 on Wednesday.  
Please go here to sign our powerful petition on what may be the most important issue of the Obama presidency (although, it would be difficult for anything to rival the need to derail the implementation of ObamaCare!):
++White House ignores demands of a vast majority of Americans.
The Hill is reporting that a Quinnipiac University poll taken last week revealed that 76% of Americans want a special investigator appointed to investigate the IRS – while only 14% opposed.  That is very compelling margin, yet it is a mandate the White House is choosing to ignore. 
Why? Because the President may well be implicated! 
It is unfathomable that President Obama did not know about the IRS’s abuse of power in targeting conservative groups during an election season, as he unconvincingly contends. 
Is it even conceivable that he “found out about it in the news reports along with everyone else”?
This is especially hard to accept given the fact that the acting IRS Commissioner during the time the targeting took place, Douglas Schulman, visited the White House 157 times – an incredible number of meetings considering it is more than five times the TOTAL of Barack Obama’s top Cabinet members during the same period!
Are we are supposed to believe that the topic of an active Inspector General’s review of complaints that the IRS was targeting conservatives never even came up?  Or, was the main reason for all those meetings a White House-directed, systematic censoring of conservative groups and individuals?
Americans demand accountability!
Please sign our petition and forward this message to as many like-minded Americans as possible:   
++The power of the IRS must be restrained! 
In the next few days, I will be announcing a course of action Liberty Counsel intends to pursue against the IRS in response to the revelation that they targeted Freedom Federation (FF), an organization I founded a few years ago. 
FF is a collaborative group of ministries, companies, and individuals with shared concerns over the path this nation is taking. The IRS has yet to act upon our application for non-profit status after well over a year!
Thank you for joining us in our call for a special investigation. 
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. This campaign is quickly growing into one of the most important battles Liberty Counsel has yet fought with the “progressive” forces behind the explosive growth of government power in our nation!
Please sign our petition before the end of the day on Tuesday to be included in our Wednesday delivery! 






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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776