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A Three-Headed Summer Monster

John Tate

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June 3, 2013

They're baaa-aaaack.


That feeling in the pit of your stomach you got this morning when you rolled out of bed wasn't just because it's Monday . . .


After a week of leaving us alone, Congress is back, and their docket is chock full of radical assaults on our liberties.


And I do mean FULL.


I'll explain more in just a moment.


But first, it's absolutely vital you sign your DEFEND LIBERTY Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY.


By signing your petition, you authorize Campaign for Liberty to send your petitions as soon as the three critical fights I'm going to tell you about rear their ugly heads.


Trust me. It won't be long!


First up, the U.S. Senate will begin work on their so-called "Immigration Reform" bill, which is nothing more than a statist front to RAM a massive NATIONAL ID scheme into law.


The statists' NATIONAL ID card would be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn't obtain the ID card.


The most dangerous part is the biometric database, which would allow federal bureaucrats to track our every move.


Once government bureaucrats know exactly how we live our lives, it won't be long until they ramp up their efforts to run them through more laws, regulations, taxes, and other restraints.


As bad as this assault is, it's FAR from the end of what the statists in both parties have up their sleeves.


In fact, Congress could soon end up ramming through two other massive power grabs:




Ever since their first attempt at gun control flamed out in the U.S. Senate, the gun-grabbers have been doing everything they can to browbeat the handful of Republican and Democrat Senators they need into supporting President Obama's anti-gun assault.


But now, you and I are learning House Republican Leadership could take up the issue even before the Senate acts.




If passed, the National Internet Tax Mandate would raise taxes on all Americans as a state sales tax on all goods purchased online would be implemented.


Tax collectors in one state would now be free to pursue retailers across state lines, so if customers in New York make purchases from an online retailer in Texas, that retailer must collect New York's exorbitant sales taxes and send them to New York's tax collection agencies.


Worse, after the bill overwhelmingly passed the Senate, I'm already getting word that some in the GOP leadership will be more than happy to help this Obama-backed bill sail into law.


You and I have to mobilize NOW to stop this madness.


So won't you please sign your DEFEND LIBERTY Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY?


As I mentioned, I'll begin flooding Congress with these Fax Petitions as soon as the fights begin.


I hope you'll act today.


In fact, I hope you'll go two critical steps further . . .


1) Please forward this email to as many friends and family members as you can to ensure they know exactly what's at stake;


2) Agree to your most generous contribution.


I know I don't need to explain to you just how many battles Campaign for Liberty has taken on over these past several months.


Without the continued action and financial support of good folks like you, I can only imagine what madness President Obama and the Big Government cronies in BOTH parties may have passed.


But with National ID, Gun Control, and the National Internet Tax Mandate high on the statists' agenda, you and I have three of the most critical battles of this Congress on our plate.


And it's no accident Congress is waiting until now to begin ramping up their barrage.


Most Americans are thinking more about their kids getting out of school or summer vacations than what's going on in Congress!


So our backs are against the wall.


So if you can, I hope you'll agree to a generous financial contribution, as well.


I don't know what you can afford. Perhaps you can give as much as $50 to help Campaign for Liberty fight back against the statists' schemes.


Your financial support today will enable me to reach up to 10 million Americans in the coming weeks to alert them to the stakes and begin to mobilize them.


Using mail, email, phones, and newspaper, Internet, and TV ads, I'm prepared to pull out all the stops.


But I can't do so without your support.


So please sign your DEFEND LIBERTY Fax Petition and make your most generous contribution of $50, $25, or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY.


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. With National ID, Gun Control, and the National Internet Tax Mandate high on the statists' agenda, you and I have three of the most critical battles of this Congress on our plate.


That's why it's absolutely vital you sign your DEFEND LIBERTY Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY.


By signing your petition, you authorize Campaign for Liberty to send your petitions as soon as these three critical fights rear their ugly heads.


And if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $50, $25, or at least $10 to help me alert up to ten million more Americans to this crucial battle!