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John Tate/Campaign for Liberty

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May 30, 2013

What prominent member of Congress was recently quoted as saying Congress would "not back away" from gun control?

A. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?

B. House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi?

C. Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte?

Patrick, if you care about the future of your Second Amendment rights at all, the answer to that quick quiz is going to INFURIATE you . . .

President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have both promised gun control would be back on Congress' agenda.

But now, Representative Bob Goodlatte told The Hill he is working with Speaker John Boehner on legislation "strengthening" the unconstitutional federal "background check system"!

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

But before I give you the link, let me explain why this is so important . . .

As you know, from day one after the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December, expanded "background checks" have been at the very top of President Obama's anti-gun agenda.

It's not hard to see why.

More "background check" forms means more gun owners' names for Eric Holder and Barack Obama, more targets for harassment for abusive federal agencies such as the IRS . . .

But most importantly, they serve as the foundation for a NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY.

You and I both know registering firearms is only the first step toward their ultimate seizure by the federal government.

That's why I was so DISGUSTED to see Bob Goodlatte's comments - and I hope you are, too.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has already publicly stated he would be in favor of expanding the federal background check system.

And both John Boehner and Eric Cantor have been coy about whether they would be willing to pass a gun control bill with the votes of statist Republicans and Democrats . . .

Just like they did with the debt ceiling. And the "fiscal cliff" tax hike.

Since Speaker Boehner and Chairman Goodlatte could move at any time to ram this latest gun-grabbing scheme through the House, we don't have a moment to lose.

So please sign your petition TODAY and help me send a loud-and-clear message to Speaker Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Chairman Goodlatte:


Time and again, you and I have heard from the GOP House leadership that they would not work on any gun legislation until the Senate passed Harry Reid's gun control bill.

But now, I'm afraid those statements about "waiting to see what the Senate does" may have been designed to keep the heat off themselves.

As you know, because of the efforts of millions of pro-freedom Americans like you, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been forced to put his gun-grabbing scheme on hold to give him and his anti-Second Amendment allies more time to browbeat wavering Democrats and Republicans.

So why are Speaker Boehner and Chairman Goodlatte working in secret to craft new gun control legislation?

To appear "reasonable" to the anti-gun national media heading into the 2014 election year?

Because they've been "promised" something by President Obama in some closed-door, smoky backroom deal?

I don't want to find out.

You and I can't ignore the Senate.

But you and I must also send a message to Boehner, Cantor, Goodlatte, and the entire Congress that our rights are non-negotiable!

That's why I need you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please contribute $100 today.

Every dollar you give will help me turn up the heat on Congress.

With gun control expected to be back on the agenda in a matter of weeks, this isn't a fight you and I can ignore.

But if $100 is just too much, please agree to $50 or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY.

If our Second Amendment rights are to be protected, it's absolutely vital you and I act at once.

So please sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition right away.

And if you can, please help Campaign for Liberty's efforts with a contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - TODAY!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte told The Hill he is working with Speaker John Boehner on legislation "strengthening" the unconstitutional federal "background check system"!

From day one after the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December, expanded "background checks" have been at the very top of President Obama's anti-gun agenda.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Second Amendment Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY.

And if you can, please help Campaign for Liberty's efforts with a contribution of $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - TODAY!