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IRS can't be trusted to enforce ObamaCare

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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May 30, 2013

The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), also known as the “Death Panel,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) all have authority in enforcing ObamaCare’s mandates.  Your health care insurance, and therefore the decisions made in maintaining your personal health, will soon be in the hands of government agencies. 
ObamaCare’s intrusion into your medical decisions is as close to “Big Brother” as we have ever imagined could exist in America.  
The current IRS scandal has implications far beyond the targeting of “tea party” and conservative groups. This scandal is also about the power of government agencies to infiltrate, coerce, intimidate, and ultimately destroy the lives and livelihoods of the Americans they were created to serve.  
Please see my important update below – Mat.  
Very few Americans thought about the IRS’ enforcement role in ObamaCare when the “targeting” scandal was first exposed. And why should they have?  Conservatives’ anger was rightly focused on the overt politicization of perhaps the most powerful agency in all of American government.  It was enough to make every thoughtful American’s blood boil! 
But as the details were exposed, we began to see more clearly that under the Obama administration, the IRS has amassed an unprecedented amount of power – and it was badly abusing that power. 
In a matter of months, the federal bureaucrats of the IRS will be ObamaCare’s chief enforcement officers.  And the person running the enforcement division, Sarah Hall Ingram, is the very same woman who ran the IRS tax-exempt division when the targeting of conservative groups began! 
Coincidence?  Not likely.  President Obama personally authorized a $104,000 bonus for Ingram and promoted her to run the division overseeing his “signature legislative achievement,” ObamaCare. 
With those facts as a foundation, the Senate Republican Policy Committee (SRPC) recently issued an alert entitled, “On Obamacare, the IRS Can’t be Trusted.” The report is an eye-opening expose’ on the IRS’ troubling role in ObamaCare enforcement…  
++“Taxpayers will be subject to the agency’s dangerous and intrusive new powers.” 
The SRPC report lists the following new realities in Americans’ relationship with the IRS in the new reality under Obamacare:
  • IRS agents verifying who purchased government approved health coverage;
  • IRS taxing uninsured Americans who fail to buy government approved health coverage;
  • IRS confiscating tax refunds and overpayments;
  • IRS assessing interest and late payment penalties in addition to the tax levied on Americans who fail to buy government-mandated health insurance;
  • IRS intensifying tax return scrutiny;
  • IRS hiring an army of new agents, examiners, and support staff to investigate Americans.
The agency must collect a tremendous amount of data from insurance companies in order to track and monitor compliance, including the following…
  • The insurance policy costs and benefits structure;
  • The individuals covered under the insurance plan;
  • The insurance plan coverage timeframe;
  • The household income reported to the insurance company;
  • If the individual’s employer offered health insurance coverage.
If a person is offered insurance by his or her employer, then the IRS will also have to know:
  • How many people the business employs;
  • The employer-sponsored insurance plan’s costs and benefit structure;
  • The people covered under the employer-sponsored plan;
  • The insurance policy’s coverage period.
The agency also must develop systems that sort, store, integrate, and apply the data to an individual taxpayer. They will be the keeper, every year, of every individual’s insurance status.
++“IRS run amuck: Agents improperly seized confidential medical records.” 
There are allegations that the IRS has already “improperly seized some 60 million medical records of 10 million Americans, including the medical records of all California state judges.” 
Under the authority of enforcing ObamaCare compliance, the IRS will have virtually limitless power to delve into every American’s most private matters.  
This is yet another reason why it is so crucially important to accelerate the outcry for an Independent Counsel and a full investigation into the politicization of the IRS!  
We already have well over 30,000 signers to our powerful petition, but we need to greatly increase that number to have the impact we desire for our first petition delivery scheduled for next week.
If you have yet to sign our petition to fully investigate the IRS targeting of conservative organizations, please click here to sign:
If you have already signed our powerful petition, please forward this message to as many of your like-minded friends as possible.  
This campaign is quickly growing into one of the most important battles Liberty Counsel has yet fought with the “progressive” forces behind the explosive growth of government power in our nation!
++The power of the IRS must be restrained! 
 I should remind you that the IRS targeted Freedom Federation (FF), an organization I founded a few years ago. Because of your support of Liberty Counsel, you have been injured along with many, many others through the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups – including Freedom Federation. 
FF is a collaborative group of ministries, companies, and individuals with shared concerns over the path this nation is taking. The IRS has yet to act upon our application for non-profit status after well over a year.
++We must keep increasing the pressure for honest disclosure!
We are calling for a complete investigation by Congress, including the establishment of an Independent Counsel, to completely expose the IRS abuses.  
Please go here right now to sign our powerful petition on the issue and learn more about Liberty Counsel’s plan of action:
If you have already signed, please spread the word about this campaign!  Thank you for taking immediate (or, further) action with us.  
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Imagine how vulnerable your private matters will be with the IRS having unlimited enforcement authority under ObamaCare! As we know, the IRS has already taken its authority to unprecedented levels of partisan abuse in order to advance the Obama agenda.
I will be sharing much more information when I return from Israel later this week and inform you of Liberty Counsel’s response to this outrage, which includes the IRS targeting of Freedom Federation.  
But for now, please sign our petition and forward this message to as many like-minded Americans as possible!



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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671