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Two more Senators

Jim Dean, Democracy for America

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May 23, 2013

Thanks to the hard work of DFA members, our work to protect our students just got a huge boost.

Senators Tammy Baldwin and Kirsten Gillibrand have signed onto our campaign to keep student loan interest rates from doubling -- joining more than 100,000 other Democracy for America members demanding we treat our students as well as the big Wall Street banks.

Join Tammy and Kirsten: Tell Congress not to let student interest rates double.

As the parent of two college graduates, I know exactly how much of a burden paying for higher education has become for so many students and families. It is a disgrace that Congress could even consider raising student loan rates at a time when an entire generation's economic opportunities have been blown up by the Wall Street recession.

That's why Tammy's and Kirsten's support couldn't have come at a better time for students across the country. Without Congressional action, federal student loan rates will skyrocket to 6.8% --all while the federal government gives money to the big Wall Street banks for a piddling 0.75% interest. That's a 900% discount for the same banks that wrecked our economy in the first place.

DFA members worked their hearts out to put Tammy and Kirsten in the Senate. Now they're doing exactly what we elected them to do: Going to the mat for America's working families and students.

Let's stand with them again -- sign on to support our work to give our young people a fair deal.



Jim Dean, Chair

Democracy for America