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Send Washington a Message They Can't Ignore!

Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

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May 22, 2013

I have great news to share, but we need your urgent help.

So far more than 111,000 wildlife lovers have signed our emergency petition to stop the premature delisting of nearly all gray wolves across the U.S. Thanks to all the pressure, the government hasn't yet acted on this misguided and potentially devastating plan — yet.

To keep the pressure on, we're planning to start a powerful ad campaign targeting Capitol Hill, the White House and the Department of the Interior.

We need to raise $30,000 in the next 24 hours to make this happen, and to keep up our all-out campaign to see wolf recovery continue.

Here's our plan:

  • On Friday, May 24 we're planning to run a bold open letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. Our message is simple: America loves its wolves and is counting on you to protect them.
  • The open letter will appear as a full page ad in the Washington Post Express — a newspaper widely read throughout Washington D.C., where Secretary Jewell and her colleagues live and work.
  • On Friday morning, distributors at targeted Metro stations will hand out copies of the Express at key spots near the White House, the Capitol and the Interior Department. They will be impossible to miss.

No one — not Congressmen, Capitol staff or Department of Interior officials like Secretary Jewell — will miss the message.

It's not too late to stop this delisting disaster in its tracks.

This moment could make all the difference for the future of gray wolf conservation.

Help Send a Message for Wolves!

Express Mockup Ad

Help us raise $30,000 in the next 24 hours to get an ad in the Washington Express.

Speak Out for Wildlife -- Take Action

Please donate today to help support our emergency ad campaign targeting the government and their misguided proposal to delist wolves.


Please help us deliver a message that Washington can't ignore.

Thank you for all you do,

Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark


Defenders of Wildlife