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Boy Scouts on the brink of disaster?

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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May 18, 2013


In a misguided attempt to compromise with pro-homosexual activists, the Boy Scouts of America will vote next week on a policy change toward the participation of active homosexuals in the Scouting program.

At risk is one of America’s strongest conservative youth organizations being hijacked by the radical pro-homosexual movement.  It is very important that pro-moral Americans deluge the Scouts with encouragement to stand up to the bullying!  

We will be delivering well over 65,000 petitions and comments prior to the expected vote on Thursday, May 23.  Please see my important update below – Mat.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are considering caving in to LGBT activist pressure and potentially allowing openly practicing homosexuals to participate in their program.  

Proposing a badly misguided “compromise,” Scouting executives would allow homosexuals into the ranks of the BSA – just not as leaders.  Homosexuals over the age of 18 would be prohibited from participation under the new proposal.

The Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) executive leadership and its Board of Directors are under extreme pressure from pro-homosexual activists, equivocating board members, and homosexual organizations threatening withdrawal of their funding if the Scouts don’t cave in.

Radicals appear willing to do whatever is necessary to force the Scouts to change their decades-old policy of banning openly practicing homosexuals from participating in the Scouting program.

On May 23, the 1,400 members of the National Council will gather in Dallas at their annual meeting.  The pending resolution will be addressed at that time.

++The proposed course of action is wrong for many reasons.

Liberty Counsel and other conservative groups have drafted these important points regarding the dangerous compromise being considered:   

* The proposed resolution is unworkable and incoherent. The resolution requires all Scouting families and faith-based organizations that object to homosexuality on religious grounds to affirm something their faiths teach is wrong. The beliefs and convictions of parents and untold numbers of Scouts themselves would be made subordinate to the insistence of a special interest group.


* The proposal says, in essence, that homosexuality is acceptable until a boy turns 18. Then, when he comes of age, he's prevented from remaining in Scouts because the BSA says it wants
to retain its ban on homosexual Scout leaders. The proposed policy is incoherent at best and may very well be deceptively designed to appear as a compromise when such distinction in membership would never survive a court challenge.

* A change in policy would mean that boys of a young age will be forced to consider issues of sexuality that not only have nothing to do with Scouting but which are the exclusive right of parents to discuss with them at the time and in the way the parents think best.

* Once an organization begins negotiating away its core principles, it has lost its integrity and it will soon lose its identity. If homosexual activists can force the organization to abandon its moral standard, it won’t be long until the atheists will force the organization to abandon their belief in God who gave the moral standard.

* Is it really fair for a handful of people to deprive hundreds of thousands the continuing enjoyment of the organization that they helped build? If there really is a demand for a boys’ organization that includes homosexuals, then those trying to force their view on the BSA should start their own organization.


* We only need look to Scouting in Canada to see the impact this will have on the organization.  Like their Canadian counterparts, Scouting families in the US will vote with their feet and leave by the thousands. How does a mass exodus of Scouts and, with it, a dramatic loss in revenue, advance the interests of boys and young men, of the BSA as an organization, or the country Scouting is designed to serve?

* About 70% of scout troops are chartered by faith-based organizations, because of their religious convictions, many will be forced to drop their sponsorship of the Scouts.

* The proposed resolution introduces what Scouting itself calls ‘open and avowed homosexuality’ into an organization that is designed to foster trust, camaraderie, character, and leadership, thereby clouding Scouting’s most fundamental purposes.

* The pressure to change the policy for the most part comes from outside the Boy Scouts and its membership, who only last year completed a two-year study in which Scouts’ parents overwhelmingly said they wanted to keep the present policy.

* The very latest survey again found overwhelming opposition. Respondents support the current policy by a 61 percent to 34 percent margin, and 72 percent of chartered organizations favor the currently policy. The organization has a responsibility to its membership first and foremost!

++NO COMPROMISE with pro-homosexual bullies!  

We are calling on the Scouts to remain “morally straight” and refuse to compromise their moral integrity and biblically-based values!

I am asking you to take a moment to add your comments to the petition, which will be delivered to the BSA headquarters prior to their board’s all-important vote next week.  

The more comments we include, the stronger the statement will be!  I assure you that those who oppose our viewpoint will be rallying their base to force the Scouts to cave in to their pressure and change their group’s pro-moral policy.  

Click here now to add your comments (as many times as you like) to the petition:

Here are a few suggested comments, if you need them…

  • Dear Boy Scouts:  Please do not backtrack on your core values.  I urge you to maintain the moral integrity of your organization by not changing your ban on homosexual participation.
  • Dear Boy Scouts: Do not change your ban on homosexual participation in your organization. For over 100 years, your group has maintained the highest of moral standards.  Please do not fall prey to current activist pressures.
  • Dear Boy Scouts: Please do not change your ban on homosexuals participating in the Scouts. Such a policy change would violate the moral values inherent in the Scout Law and Oath, and it would be a slap in the face to the churches, religious organizations, and local volunteers who sponsor and fund the vast majority of Scout troops.
  • Dear Boy Scouts: For more than a century, the Boy Scouts represented cherished American values. Do not abandon your principles. Say “no” to the pressure being put on you to change your policy on homosexual participation. I believe the result would be disastrous.
  • Dear BSA Board of Directors: Scouting should hold firm to the transcendent values the organization has long promoted, demonstrating the courage that is asked of every Boy Scout. Do not cave in to radical activists. Stand strong on your time-proven policy!
Please, take a minute right now to help us encourage the Boy Scouts of America to hold to their principles by encouraging your like-minded friends, family, church members, or social groups to join you in signing this petition today! Add your comments today and share this petition link everywhere you possibly can:

++Be sure to get your copy of "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence: How America Was Betrayed by the Lies and Sexual Crimes of a Mad ‘Scientist’.”

We greatly appreciate friends like you who are standing with Liberty Counsel as we work to restore the moral integrity of our nation, and usher in a New Birth of Freedom in 2013!

That’s why I believe Dr. Judith Reisman's latest book, “Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence” is one that you will find extremely enlightening.   

The (truly) mad scientist who secretly spawned an immoral and perverted sexual revolution was Professor Alfred Kinsey, author of the famous Kinsey Reports on human sexuality.

Dr. Reisman has conclusively proven how Kinsey's frauds gutted our child and family protective laws, as well as justified Planned Parenthood's school sex education, Hugh Hefner's pornography plague, and the "gay rights" movement.  The Kinsey Institute still gets millions of your tax dollars.

Dr. Judith Reisman’s book is a scathing indictment of Kinsey’s bogus studies – and shows the indisputable link to America’s moral decline.   

You can read a longer discussion of Judith’s important book and see its contents by clicking here:

Please consider a gift to Liberty Counsel and obtain your copy of Judith Reisman’s powerful new book "Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence!"

Thank you for your support and for taking action with us!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. Help stop the hijacking of the BSA! Be sure to add your comment to the BSA petition today:

For more information on our call for the Scouts to remain morally straight, visit Liberty Connect:


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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776